UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Stop deportation and detention of Ethiopian asylum seekers
28-11-2006 23:55
Kinijit's support organisation KSOUK in the UK has staged a demonstration today in front of the Minister for Immigration, Marsham Street. They are challenging the decision of the British government to detain and deport asylum seekers from Ethiopia.Between 50 and 60 people took part, mostly Ethiopian refugees and their supporters.
Members fo the opposition face being imprisoned and tortured if deported back to Ethiopia.
Anti Deportation Protest, Manchester
28-11-2006 22:46
Approximately 30,000 immigrants and asylum seekers are locked up in detention centres and prisons in Britain every year, including over 2000 children and babies. About 400 are deported from Britain every week, including children and babies. Some say Britain is not a racist state, but facts are stubborn little things and have to be reckoned with.Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre - 'Not fit for Purpose'
28-11-2006 11:10
Anne Owers HM Inspector of Prisons (HMIP) has published today a report on Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre (IRC), the UK's largest immigration removal centre, stating that it was not performing satisfactorily against ANY of the Inspectorate's tests of a healthy custodial environment and that poor relationships between custody officers and detainees were "worse than had been seen at any other detention centre" and was "Undoubtedly the poorest report" issued by HMIP of any IRC to date.US exploits Kurdish Elements against Iran
26-11-2006 12:05
Now the Kurds and other groups are being used once again to further Anglo-American foreign policy in the Middle East. History may be doomed to repeat itself.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Israeli Company Blockaded This Morning for the Third Time
26-11-2006 06:41

Company Carmel Agrexco’s UK headquarters.
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Report From Anti Fascist Demo at bnp "conference" in Blackpool.
25-11-2006 20:46
On Saturday November 25th, the bnp's national conference was a big flop. Only 50 fascists turned up to the Kimberley Hotel, Blackpool, to join Nick Griffin and local organiser Roy Greenwood. Anti Fascists outnumbered them 5 to 1, and staged a lively protest in Blackpool town centre, and then outside the venue itself.Misjudging rape
25-11-2006 20:26
Adjudicators (now known as immigration judges) flout international law and even their own guidelines when they consider the asylum claims of women and girls seeking safety and protection from rape.Liverpool Friends of Palestine Calls For Extra Support at Vigil
25-11-2006 19:07
*Our monthly vigil will take place on Saturday the 2nd of December at thesteps of St. Luke's Church top of **Bold Street** . **12-00 till 2** -00pm*
*But due to recent events in Gaza I would like to encourage each and every
one of you to come along and join us that day.*
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BNP Blackpool Conference located
25-11-2006 17:09

Would the Egyptians knock down the Pyramids for natural gas?
25-11-2006 00:15

Imagine probably the earliest surviving rock carvings on this planet: close to a million images of ancient faces and the earliest Australian fauna, including the mighty Tasmanian tiger, spread throughout a group of small islands alongside the west coast of Australia.
This world treasure is in danger of being destroyed by industrial development.
Want To Help Someone To Live After Your Death?
24-11-2006 18:25

Voices From Detention
24-11-2006 16:59
Barbed Wire Britain, a network to end refugee and migrant detention, has produced a second volume of testimonies from immigration detainees, Voices From Detention II.
Amidst the political and media clamour about how many asylum seekers have been or need be deported, the voices of the system's victims are necessarily stifled. Would-be refugees are mere statistics, objects in a disgusting Dutch auction as to which political brand can wash whitest. And this why such a collection is an important tool in the struggle for rights and justice.
The volume is a collection of accounts by detainees in Tinsley House, Campsfield House, Rochester (HMP), Liverpool (HMP), Belmarsh (HMP), Lindholme, Harmondsworth, Yarlswood, Dungavel, Dover and Haslar. These are people for whom the unthinkable has happened. They have been imprisoned in the UK without charge, without conviction, without time limit. They have been imprisoned by the UK government, which boasts its democratic institutions.
FashWatch web-site up and (keeping the fash) running!
24-11-2006 14:21

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Close Down Redwatch..
24-11-2006 12:24
Copy of letter sent to Dear Dr Reid (home secretary)As one of the people who appear on Redwatch I feel strongly it should be closed down. No harm as yet has come to myself but I understand it has to others, please copy and send to

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torture of Necati Zontul- an update and forthcoming documentary
24-11-2006 12:15

Join the UAF Blackpool protest against the BNP conference
23-11-2006 13:15
Final reminder: UAF protest against BNP conference in Blackpool, Saturday 25 NovemberBehind the Governments Veil of Deceit
23-11-2006 00:37
News feature in response to the veil (niqāb) issue raging in Europe.Asylum Statistics: Q3 2006
22-11-2006 16:22
The Home Office has released its "asylum statistics" for the 3rd quarter of 2006 (July, August and September). Below is a summary of the main points.Info leak on secret BNP conference
22-11-2006 12:47
This weekend (Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th) the BNP are holding their national conference and demo in Blackpool.The location is supposed to be secret but local sources believe that The De Vere Hotel is the most likely location.
The demo is going to be on Saturday near the Winter Gardens. The police have nice little protest pens all ready for the fascists.
Performance of Asylum Monologues at King's College on 30/11/06 @ 6.00pm
22-11-2006 09:26
Asylum Monologues is an account of the UK's asylum system, told first hand by the people who have experienced it.‘you know before the war in my country, I was not even thinking about coming here. I was happy. I was with my family, everything was OK. Why should I want to go? But things happen.'