UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
The Grinding Machine: Terror and Genocide in Rwanda
28-04-2007 17:32
In his 7 April 2007 commemoration of genocide, delivered in Murambi, Rwanda, President Paul Kagame spoke—in the Kinyarwanda language—with the inflection and innuendo of viciousness. He complained that the French should have tasted the RPF’s wrath when—Operation Turquoise, 1994—the RPF had the chance to inflict and wound them. He complained about all the Paul Rusesabaginas abroad, and their white friends, who malign and slander the good name of Rwanda. And when he complained about the Hutus, there was no mistaking the message—Rwandans say—for the threat that it is. President Paul Kagame said that the RPF Army made a mistake: that they should have finished off all the Hutus before they fled to Congo (Zaire), and they should have finished off all those who returned, when they had the chance. Kagame’s supporters, both emboldened and embarrassed by his words, issued a sanitized version of this speech; the original has disappeared from public view. Rwanda today is a cauldron of terror. It is not over. For many Rwandans, every day it begins anew.A modern Orientalist view of Iran
28-04-2007 16:54
In an article titled "A Nation of Nose Jobs, Not Nuclear War" by Peter Hitchens in Mail on Sunday is only one of many recent audacious pieces that amalgamates two favorite issues used to support the American propaganda machine against Iranian sovereignty: women and the nuclear energy program. In a disingenuously compassionate tone, and using literary chicanery for his aim, the author draws unsuspecting readers in by impersonating a wide-eyed, open soul in search of understanding an enigma.Neocon Sarko Poised to Win French Elections
28-04-2007 10:29
In short, the French people have a choice between a neocon who likes to call Muslim immigrants voyous (thugs) or a graduate of the elite École nationale d’administration, in other words Ségolène Royal is one of a handful of énarques selected to become senior bureaucrats in France. For some reason, probably a throwback to their royal past, the French people accept this ironclad political monopoly with little question.11 people arrested at anti-fa demo in lisboa
28-04-2007 06:32

Wonderland Down Under: Snoop Dogg refused visa
27-04-2007 16:32
Upside-down logic in the land down under -- Internationally known racist, war criminal, Iraqi holocaust denier and coward prime minister of Australia, John Howard stated that [black] entertainer Snoop Dogg had been banned from entering Australia for “sound reasons … I have to be careful what I say in these matters but he has been ... well there are certain judgments that are made on certain advice that I can't go into, but the reasons for banning him are sound," said Howard. Perhaps the black rapper is also a HIV carrier and votes Democrat! Howard recently levelled more criticism on US Democrats in relation to the war in Iraq. The absurdity and hypocrisy of Howard’s behaviour is reaching levels unimagined by even his most fervent critics.Full article | 6 additions | 9 comments
Big Issue Magazine Seller Calls Police to Arrest Young Muslim Girl
27-04-2007 13:11
A young Muslim girl was arrested by police outside Sainsburys in Ladbroke Grove at noon on 27 April after being accused of illegally selling the Big Issue magazine on private property and "stealing money" from another Big Issue seller.Election Circus Comes to Town! Brummagem Star issue 1
27-04-2007 11:42

Labour whips up anti-immigrant prejudice
26-04-2007 15:56
Once again, a desperate Labour government, fearing electoral meltdown, is responding by mounting a xenophobic campaign against immigrants. And once again, the Guardian and the Observer newspapers, the supposed bastions of liberal opinion, have come forward as conduits for government propaganda and apologists for the most venal right-wing sentiment.BLOOD $ MONEY 2: DARKNESS AND LIGHT
26-04-2007 09:56

April 29th Palestinian/Israeli Director in Oxford to show and discuss new film
25-04-2007 20:19
Mohammad Bakri, Palestinian actor and director will be answering questions after a screening of his latest film "Since you Left" at the Phoenix Cinema, Walton Street at 4pm on Sunday April 29thHolocaust Redux
25-04-2007 19:52
Of course the Empire will never call what is happening in Iraq a Holocaust, for to do so would criminalize the very enterprise of destroying a nation and its people for the purpose of controlling its vast oil fields.Zimbabwe eyewitness
25-04-2007 15:32

BNP fail to infiltrate St George's Day parade
25-04-2007 10:56
The far-right British National Party's plans to infiltrate Manchester's multi-cultural St George's Day celebrations has been foiled thanks to tip-off's from local anarchist activists. Despite this, the BNP later organised a riot in the City Centre in protest of their float being impounded.Sadie Graham Shoots Straight
25-04-2007 01:40

Mayday Party
24-04-2007 20:30

A benefit for migrants' and refugees' rights;
regualrisation for all & an end to detention and deportation
Hunger strike of undocumented migrants in Belgium !!
24-04-2007 18:36
*Belgium: 37 people on hunger strike in (the detention center) 127 since lastWednesday morning, 19 April 2007!*
*6 people managed to escape from the closed centre of Vottem on Thursday*
CRER - Coordination pour la regularisation et la libre circulation des
personnes (Coordination for the legalisation and the free movement of
Have a heart for the people seeking asylum:
24-04-2007 13:42

My own views on this state of affairs follows:
Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia – two sides of the same coin
24-04-2007 04:18
Somebody should let the media know ...Urgent upcoming rally: Free Mumia now!
23-04-2007 23:47

Free Mumia Now!
Mumia's life is in danger - mobilise now!
Rally, sponsored by the Partisan Defence Committee
Saturday 5 May, 1 pm
University of London Union, Room 3C&D,
Malet Street, London WC1
Abolish the racist death penalty!
Contact the PDC on 020 7281 5504 or at

23-04-2007 16:32
After last week's leafletting in Hucknall, 10 days to stop the BNP