UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
MS and Palestinian - patient refused
16-10-2006 14:25
Please find below an article of importance, that has been taken from the IMEMCwebsite. How can anyone in the right mind refuse a patient who suffers from MS the right to medical treatment and still call themselves civilised. A big round of applause to the international community for their inaction.
Weekly Vigil to Save the Jarawa - Reminder
16-10-2006 13:52

Guantanamo Protest at Starbucks next Saturday 21st October
15-10-2006 21:54

Starbucks on New Street in Birmingham City Centre next Saturday
starting at 1.00pm.
Schools to teach kids the arithemetic of war
15-10-2006 11:56
I reported a while back on the attempts by the government to indoctrinate children, including the Defense Schools Initiative. This involved selling kids on putative MoD values on such matters as "citizenship, humanitarian aid, ethnic diversity, human rights, veterans, conflict resolution and crisis situations".Imperialism’s two failures - interview with Leila Khaled
14-10-2006 10:49
Following are excerpts from an interview conducted with Palestinian resistance leader Leila Khaled by Samia Halaby of the Defend Palestine Coalition, LeiLani Dowell of Workers World newspaper, and Sara Flounders of the International Action Center during a fact-finding delegation to Lebanon Sept. 11-17.Refugees demonstrate at North Shields Immigration Reporting Centre
13-10-2006 17:38

Against the Decadent Empire
13-10-2006 16:37
The block free movement under Cuban leadership may develop intothe crystallization point for globalization critics all over the world. "A Better World is Possible" was the motto of the summit.."Terrorism may not be equated with the legitimate struggle of people for national liberation against foreign rule and occupation."YET ANOTHER ISLAMOPHOBIC POLITICAL SHOW TRIAL IN THE UK?
13-10-2006 15:17

Yet another Show Trial in the UK?
13-10-2006 00:05

Palestine Today
12-10-2006 19:03

The death toll in Gaza reaches to seven, five from the same family, while in the West Bank army invades cities and takes prisoners, these stories and more coming up stay tuned.
The fascist bomb factory you won't hear about
12-10-2006 14:30
This story was never reported by the mainstream UK national media, why?
The terror plot that didn't fit
12-10-2006 14:30
We're only interested in the sort of terrorism that suits our paranoiaThe QUICKTIME REPORT 12/10/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
12-10-2006 04:10

Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
BNP Annual Conference in Blackpool in November
11-10-2006 22:01
Gleaned from the BNP website:Palestine Today
11-10-2006 17:07

Army kills one resident near Eretz border crossing in Gaza, while in the West Bank one is killed in Nablus and prisoners are taken in morning invasions to several other cities. These stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.
Law of the Land - WE RULE - an indictment of the Bush regime
11-10-2006 16:10
The UN-Elected Bush regime now states cowardly Americans have nolonger any legal rights to defend themselves from unlawful arrest
if commanded without reason by the lawless as godless, bushite
enemy LIARS. Are YOU fooled?.. I didn't think so.
Oxford Boycott Israeli Goods Day of Action
11-10-2006 15:45

The BNP has change of heart
11-10-2006 13:49

A report from Anony Mouse, UK correspondant.
Genuine Terror Cell Found
11-10-2006 10:16
A fascist terror cell which it is reported involved a rocket launcher, a nuclear biological suit, largest haul of chemicals of its kind discovered in the UK and BNP literature has not made it into the meanstream media -- of course, they are white and not innocent.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Glasgow - Dawn Raid Vans are Being Detained
11-10-2006 05:29
The Home Office Reporting Centre at Brand St in Glasgow (home of the Dawn Raid teams) isn't going to open on time this morning. Have a lie-in if you don't fancy work or signing-on today.