UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Say no to 'Israeli Science Day' at our Science Museums
20-02-2009 22:55
The Zionist Federation of Britain, a pro-Israel lobby group, wants to hold an "Israeli Science Day" at the Science Museums in Manchester and London.The Stop the War Coalition and activists in the UCU union in Manchester are mobilising to stop this insulting event from happen at the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (Mosi).
20-02-2009 22:44
Update from St Andrews OccupationThe London Declaration on Combating Antisemitism
20-02-2009 22:42
This is the declaration which emerged from the The London Conference on Combatting Antisemitism.Lampedusa burns
20-02-2009 14:43
Detention centre's central building destroyed by fire during riots. The police prevents the immigrants from leaving the burning centre. Many suffer from smoke inhalation. 60 migrants may be injuried.A day of action for Yahya and target BMI Airlines
19-02-2009 21:33
Today was an international day of action for Cardiff based trade unionist Yahya Al-Faifi, who is under threat of deportation to Saudi Arabia.Release Delshad Zorab and Grant Him Asylum Rights
19-02-2009 19:53
Doncaster resident and Kurdish communist, Delshad Zorab, has been detained at Campsfield Detention Centre. He fears deportation to Kurdistan where his life will be threatened. He's fought all his life against dictatorship, big business and bigotry. Now he needs you support.Camden Oh! Bar closed following "homophobic Saturday's" and drugs found.
19-02-2009 03:48
Camden's Oh! Bar was closed follwowing complaints made by people including those from the gay community. Gay men and women [black and white] were offended by the reggae night which wouuld regularly play songs such as Batty Rider and Boom Bye Bye. The Camden Gazette and the police [via Gazette] have siad that the venue also closed becuase of drugs and violence.Direct Action Germany: 2nd-12th Feb
18-02-2009 23:09

02/02/09: Armament company attacked with stones and color
09/02/09: Van torched
09/02/09: Stones and bottle against luxurious condo-project
12/02/09: Neonazi shop attacked
'Criticism' of Israel - or racism?
18-02-2009 10:56
Being anti-Israel is not always anti-Semitic. However Howard Jacobson argues today in 'The Independent', to see 'criticism' of Israel for what it really is. Is the 'European disease' really making a return in Britain today or is this just paranoia?Why Judges should NEVER be allowed control of the Bill of Rights
18-02-2009 10:50
Draft Notice of Constitutional Matter: Why Judges should NEVER be allowed control of the Bill of RightsYou will note an International Criminal Court no. OTP-CR-415_09
The court documents are itemised so are easy to read, and self-explanatory
The BNP's 'RWB' Organizer Gets An Early Call
17-02-2009 15:21
It may be over 6 months since the fascist British National Party held their most recent 'Red, White & Blue' rally, but it's not been forgotten.Dresden, Germany: 15 000 counter-protest against 6 000 nazis
15-02-2009 11:21

All in all 15 000 people protested against the nazis. Thousands of police enabled the nazis`march through the city.
How Racism Sparked the Financial Crisis
14-02-2009 18:15

Dresden: No place for lying about history!
14-02-2009 18:00
In Dresden, Germany, some 4,000 anti-fascists demonstrated today against an annual march of 6,500 neo-Nazis, the biggest procession of its kind Europe-wide.aWEARness call to Action! Support the Angola 3 in Louisiana
14-02-2009 04:29

Brighton Family to be Deported to Algeria - press release
12-02-2009 13:33
Brighton Voices in Exile Press Release12th February 2009 - For Immediate Release
For more details call Brighton Voices In Exile on 01273 328598/07825536489 or email

Photos of the family and interviews are available on request
Free 0844 numbers for your activist groups to forward to a landline.
11-02-2009 12:53
Hi everyone, we signed up for a free 0844 number yesterday for our sab group to forward to our land line :)Israeli University Welcomes 'War Crimes' Colonel
10-02-2009 18:15
The Israeli government has moved quickly to quash protests over the appointment of the army's senior adviser on international law to a teaching post at Tel Aviv University. Col Pnina Sharvit-Baruch is thought to have provided legal cover for war crimes during the recent Gaza offensive.Hamas and the Israeli Politik
10-02-2009 13:38
Until 2006, the Israeli-Palestinian political landscape was dominated almost exclusively by three major players: the Labor and Likud parties in Israel, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s (PLO) largest faction, Fatah. That year brought a dramatic change, however, with the success of Israel’s newly formed Kadima party in the elections for the 17th Knesset and of Hamas in the Palestinian legislative elections.Gender, Race and Class: an anti-capitalist feminist event - SOAS, Sat 14 Feb!
08-02-2009 16:01
Details for the anti-capitalis feminist event to be held in London on St Valentine's Day #'09.