UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
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What Gave Rise to the EDL?
13-03-2012 16:55
Failure to oppose British armed forces on their role in Afghanistan provided opening for EDL
Stop the fascist North West Infidels – Saturday 24 March (Greater Manchester)
13-03-2012 14:38
The North West Infidels (NWI), a splinter group from the English Defence League with links to many other fascist and extreme-right groups, are planning a demonstration in Greater Manchester on Saturday 24 March.We call on all anti-fascists, anti-racists and organised workers to mobilise in opposition to the presence of these fascists on our streets.We call for a national mobilisation of anti-fascists!
Israel initiates bloodbath on Gaza
12-03-2012 23:09

London Vigil for GAZA @Israeli Embassy, as Israel massacres Gazans
11-03-2012 20:22

NF to leaflet Heywood this weekend
09-03-2012 14:21
Alert: Members of the fascist national front will be on the streets of Heywood this weekend spreading their bile and hatred.Traveller Solidarity Network and Europe-Roma Talk
08-03-2012 21:18

Unite the Union, 211 Broad Street, B15 1AY
This meeting is both part of the Traveller Solidarity Network (TSN) nationwide
speaker tour and the relaunch of the Europe-Roma organisation.
It will include a short film, a Traveller Solidarity Network activist speaking about what happened at Dale Farm last year, as well as talks from a local Romany Gypsy from the nearby Meriden site currently facing eviction and Ladislav Balaz from the Czech Roma community in Birmingham, with plenty of time for discussion. This meeting is supported by Birmingham National Union of Teachers.
Jews Protest AIPAC
08-03-2012 12:28

Major Disapointment In Rochdale
04-03-2012 12:54
Fascists dominate HeywoodEDL fail in Walsall
03-03-2012 21:28

The following pictures are screen-shots of EDL members facebook pages taken from EDL News

The Shame of Portsmouth Water - The Scandal of Havant & Waterlooville FC
03-03-2012 05:22
Portsmouth Nazi Watch were disgusted to be forwarded the comments being made by 45-year-old Portsmouth Water supervisor Steven Clarke, a Leigh Park member of Portsmouth North East Division of the English Defence League [EDL].Our disgust turned to shock when we discovered this diminutive ex-657 crew football hooligan has been allowed to propagate and spread his insidious and vile views to impressionable young boys as young as an official coach for Havant & Waterlooville Football Club.
North West Antifa Appeal
02-03-2012 20:20
An appeal to all antifascists and anti-racists.Portsmouth Fascists Banned from Facebook
01-03-2012 17:18
Up to half-a-dozen of Portsmouth's most extreme hard-line racists were suspended from social networking site Facebook this morning after uploading a vile racist slogan to the site as their profile pictures.Calais: call out for actions against deportations to Sudan!
01-03-2012 16:47
What can you do to stop these inhumane deportations? A call out for solidarity actions...Calais: stop imminent deportations to Sudan!
01-03-2012 16:43
France is deporting people to Sudan where ethnic cleansing and genocide continues.When TSN met Tony Ball Video
28-02-2012 16:44
Tony Ball was escorted away from angry protestors last night who confronted the big racist as he tried to leave Westminster City Hall.‘Shame-Faced’ Tony Ball forced to Flee Council Awards by angry protesters
28-02-2012 06:07

Nominated for the award of ‘Council Leader of the Year’ by the Local Government Information Unit [1], Tony Ball was confronted by 50 vocal Dale Farm supporters when he attempted to leave the Westminster City Hall. He was hounded back into the building by the protesters, who invaded the lobby shouting ‘scum’ and ’83 families homeless’, and was ultimately forced to leave under police guard via a back exit.
Reaction to Proud & Prejudiced documentary on Channel 4
28-02-2012 00:55

EDL on hackney marshes
26-02-2012 18:31
EDL flying the flag on the Lee river