UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
20-03-2006 14:42
Reports are reaching Antifascist Towers that the ailing British People's Party has finally thrown in the towel.ASSIST Benefit
19-03-2006 12:21
Fundraising benefit for ASSIST (Asylum Seekers Support Initiative Short Term)Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
International Criminal Court: murder is murder, or?
19-03-2006 07:56
Photographs of the funeral showed men crying as five children, who all looked under the age of five, were wrapped in blankets and then lined up in a row. One man who described himself as a relative said one was just seven months old: "They killed these innocent children. Are these considered terrorists? Is a seven-month-old child a terrorist?".Round up report of worldwide anti-war demonstrations March 18th
18-03-2006 23:06

Harvard: The Israel Lobby
18-03-2006 22:51
Here is a link to the Harvard University study in its entirety. Now that people all over the world have begun to openly debate this issue, the Zionists can't stifle debate by shouting "Conspiracy Theory!!".
Freedom On Trial
17-03-2006 19:25

RINF - The US Gulag Prison System - The Shame Of The Nation And Crime Against
16-03-2006 13:42
No, not the one you think, outrageous as it is. I’m referring to the US prison system that’s with no exaggeration about as shockingly abusive as the gulag abroad. It qualifies for that label by its size alone - more than 2.1 million as of June, 2004 and growing larger by about 900 new inmates every week. Blacks (mostly poor and disadvantaged) especially are affected. While they make up just 12.3% of the population, they account for half the prison population, and their numbers there have grown fivefold in the last 25 years. Hispanics (also poor) account for another 15%.Kirklees Unity Day of Action April 2nd 2006
16-03-2006 13:20

Big Party / Bigger cause
16-03-2006 12:57
The campign to free Judith and Mariah is gaining momentum.Last week we succesfully stopped Judith's deportaion to Uganda. It's not ofter you get a chance ot party hard for a good cause, and the occupied social centre has got it all...
Demo Night Sat 18th March - Raising Funds for Destitue Refugees
16-03-2006 01:35

Bands, DJ’s, acoustic acts, Drumming, Art, even Fair Trade Tea coffee Cakes & chocolate, and …..issues of Refugees Facing Destitution in Nottingham.
Proseeds going to Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum

please read on....
This Is The Blood of Our Chilren: Stop the Killing! Women of Iraq statement
15-03-2006 13:57
For many decades now greedy thieves and criminal tyrants have coveted your land and resources. You are destined to suffer the world war mongers and local dirty politicians, manipulating our natural ethnic and faith lives to divide and rule.Stop eviction, stop deportations: Glasgow urgent call-out
15-03-2006 12:31
Urgent call for help in Glasgow, Thursday 16th MarchSTOP THIS EVICTION – THE BAJAJ FAMILY MUST STAY!
Please come to stop the Sheriff’s Officers, and support this No Borders campaign.
Rally against racism on Leeds University campus
15-03-2006 01:28
Students at Leeds University are calling a rally demanding that racist Frank Ellis, Leeds University lecturer, is sacked.Call out to stop eviction of asylum seeker family
14-03-2006 23:15
An elderly asylum seeker and his family are going to be made homeless on Thursday unless we can delay the Sheriff Officers - please come along to show your support“DON’T GIVE HIM YOUR NAME PIKE!”
14-03-2006 19:06
BPP open retirement home for ex-leader in…CoventryIran under the Islamic Republic is not a safe country. No Iranian asylum seekers
13-03-2006 22:35
Iran under the Islamic Republic is not a safe country. No Iranian asylum seekers"We're not here for benefits. Let us work!"
12-03-2006 16:48

Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Global anti-war demonstrations March 18th and March 19th 2006
09-03-2006 23:05

Investigation into racist abuse at Whitemoor Prison
09-03-2006 15:21
Evidence has been mounting for some time that prison officers operating regimes in the segregation/punishment units of the maximum security dispersal jails such as Frankland, Full Sutton and Whitemoor, are systematically brutalizing prisoners.