UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
In memory of our friend Thomas Kalu who died from poverty and imigration control
03-08-2006 01:04
The day that Ann Owers published her devastating report on Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre also marked a memorial to former Yarl's Wood detainee Thomas Kalu .Zimbabwean asylum-seekers face deportation again
02-08-2006 17:36
Thousands of 'failed' asylum-seekers from Zimbabwe face deportation again, after the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal ruled today they would not automatically face persecution if returned to Zimbabwe.VIctory! Temal family return home to Glasgow
02-08-2006 12:51

Liverpool vs Haifa
02-08-2006 06:16
Liverpool FC are drawn to play Maccaba Haifa in the UEFA cup and are refusing to play in Israel even though the match has been moved to Tel Aviv. The first leg is set for Anfield on August 8 or 9 with Haifas home leg due on either August 22 or 23.Abu-Jamal's Appeal Moves into its Final Stage
30-07-2006 21:08
Pennsylvania’s move famous death penalty inmate and his chief counsel have filed an appeal that raises three challenges to his conviction, and that defend the federal district court ruling that lifted his death penalty in 2001.Round up of weekend events for Lebanon July 28-30th 2006
30-07-2006 18:58

Jailed BNP Thug Continues To Hide On Protection
30-07-2006 16:00
Kevin Hughes is taking the piss.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Israeli Bomb Flights in Suffolk
30-07-2006 12:10
It has emerged that two flights due to touch down at Prestwick on Saturday were diverted to the RAF Mildenhall military base in Suffolk. A third Atlas Air flight was believed to have landed at Prestwick. There has been no official confirmation of what was on board the planes. A spokesman for the US air force at RAF Mildenhall said two aircraft had been diverted from Prestwick. He said the Atlas cargo flights arrived late on Saturday night and would depart on Sunday. He could not comment on what was on board the planes, but said they were there to refuel and allow the crew to rest. A spokesman for Prestwick said the diversions meant that no such flights were due to land at the airport on Sunday. -BBCProtest in Birmingham
30-07-2006 09:15

Report form No Border Camp in Gorizia - Italy
29-07-2006 15:59
Info report form the No Border Camp held in Gorizia - Italy from 19 to 23 of july.Lebanon actions in Hackney
28-07-2006 17:07

started to confront the people of Lebanon on a daily basis. Horrific
pictures had been flyposted throughout the night in an attempt to make
people realise the true extent of the war crimes of Israel.
The British government and British companies like Marks & Spencer (see and Edo MBM (see are still
supporting and providing Israel with the money, backing, resources and
technology to commit human rights abuses against people in Israel, and to there neighbours. So this action was an attempt to show the full images that aren't being show or talked about in the mainstream press.
Britain's youngest Prisoners - Lack of 'Duty of Care'
28-07-2006 10:07
The 'Hunger strike' by the parents of detained children at Yarl's Wood is still solid this morning. One of the mothers I just spoke to said that none of the parents took their children to breakfast this morning and will probably keep their children away from lunch and supper.Children in detention are the forgotten children, often snatched' before dawn and imprisoned indefinitely. Somewhere this side of the wire are friends, teachers all wondering what has happened to these children and their parents.
Parents of children at Yarls' Wood Detention Centre on Hunger strike
28-07-2006 00:50
"We want the Home Office to hear us and free us"The parents of Sixteen families incarcerated In Yarl's Wood IRC have refused their morning meal they have also refused to send their children to either the school or the nursery.
Ebanks goes at last - but costs taxpayers a cool £100,000 plus
28-07-2006 00:32
Senior High Court judges have finally got around to confirming that Sharon Ebanks was elected as the first British National Party councillor on Birmingham City Council by mistake, and ordered her replacement by the real winner of the vote in May, Labour's Catherine Grundy.Gay Hate Shooting In Weston Park
27-07-2006 18:00

Watch for the latest BNP leaflet shite.
27-07-2006 15:49
Latest BNP leaflets are appearing around east kent,(and elsewhere no doubt) .pls destroy if found and if anyone seen delivering,then perhaps you could help 'stamp' (or do I mean stomp?) it out......Partnership for more security: the colonialisation proceeds...
27-07-2006 12:57

Campaigners to March In Brighton this Sunday Over Israeli War Crimes
27-07-2006 11:48
Campaigners to March In Brighton this Sunday Over Israeli War Crimes in Palestine and LebanonParents of children at Yarls' Wood on Hunger strike
27-07-2006 10:25
"We want the Home Office to hear us and free us"Parents of children at Yarls' Wood on Hunger strike