UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Left-leaning despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do you believe in miracles?
07-07-2010 09:20

Do you believe in the Welsh Defence League?
06-07-2010 18:59
Like all previous mobilisations in Wales, the recent protests by the English Defence League (EDL) in Cardiff and Swansea on 5th June were called under the name of the "Welsh Defence League" (WDL). Judging by the combined turnout at both demos and taking into consideration the large number of attendees from England, the WDL numbers less than 50 people.Iran sanctions: an obsession explained in four acts and a poem
06-07-2010 08:35

But it’s not Iran’s oil they’re interested in, it’s Iran’s right to develop its own nuclear technology that worries them. And it’s not Iran’s rights they want to suppress, it’s the right to nuclear technology that they want to eliminate.
They want to establish a precedent. They want to reform the NPT to turn certain aspects of nuclear-technology development into something that will be illegal for all except for themselves, and they want to intrusively verify compliance to these new rules, enforcing this verification militarily if need be.
What is at stake in the Iranian nuclear affair is our own right to the future. If we don’t stop the nuclear barons now, we never will.
Watch Uhuru Video on the African Congress on July 10-14 in D.C.
06-07-2010 01:20

Kala Tara: the Asian Youth Movement and the fight against fascism in the 1970s
05-07-2010 18:03
A film screening to open the Ideas for Freedom 2010 event.English Defence League Hacked
05-07-2010 13:50

Turkish troops getting ready to offensive attack against Kurdish Guerrilla
04-07-2010 21:16

Black Congress gains international support for Black Power struggle in U.S.!
04-07-2010 20:54

Self-determination for Haiti! Black Congress to fight for African power
04-07-2010 20:42

Dubious intelligence on Iran's nuclear program used to justify sanctions and war
04-07-2010 12:09

Heinonen was instrumental in making a collection of intelligence documents showing a purported Iranian nuclear weapons research programme the central focus of the IAEA's work on Iran. The result was to shift opinion among Western publics to the view that Iran had been pursuing a covert nuclear weapons programme.
The EDL are racist, fascist Nazis and Wayne Baldwin EDL Nazi proves it.
04-07-2010 11:50

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Metro's cage rattled by spoof
04-07-2010 02:25

Fascists on the streets of Liverpool - 12th July 2010 - Demonstrate!
03-07-2010 18:07
The Liverpool branch of the British National Party will be holding a demonstration outside Liverpool Crown Court on Monday 12th July. Liverpool Antifascists are asking people to turn out in opposition to their presence.Sanctions and war threats against Iran: Who cares about the Iranian people?
03-07-2010 12:11

Whodunnit? Enquiry into the 7/7 London Bombings
02-07-2010 23:43

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Metro targeted by anti-racist spoof
02-07-2010 11:02
London commuters were this morning surprised to find that their usual Metro paper was a bit thinner, yet more interesting and engaging, than usual.Tens of thousands of copies of a spoof newspaper that looked very similar to the free daily were distributed at 20 busy tube stations around the capital during rush hour. Thousands more were distributed in other cities around the country.
MDL Muslim Defence League facebook hacked by EDL but is now back to normal.
29-06-2010 23:46

Palestine Today 06292010
29-06-2010 19:17

Right to Education International Student Conference (Birzeit University)
29-06-2010 14:54
The Right to Education Campaign, endorsed by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign National Committee (BNC), are pleased to issue a call for participants to the first international conference in Palestine on student activism, to be held on the 27th and 28th of July 2010 at Birzeit University in occupied Palestine. The full invitation and registration form is available on the Birzeit R2E website ( is providing limited funding for international delegates to the conference. Students at universities in Europe email sammutj[AT]caabu[DOT]org for more information on the application process for this.
Pass it on to any other students that you think will be interested.
Italy: Mobilisations against Centres of Identification and Expulsion of Migrants
28-06-2010 17:33
Demos, protests and direct action for the closure of CIE's in Italy