UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Sheffield: Grassroots Anti-War Network Launch Meeting
11-09-2003 02:33
GRASSROOTS ANTI-WAR NETWORK LAUNCH MEETINGPlease come to demonstrate against Zionist brutality
10-09-2003 16:43
This is an urgent appeal for support against intimidation of pro-Palestinian protesters by Zionists and British nationalists.Meeting report: Sheffield Campaign Against Racism and Fascism
10-09-2003 16:10
We're working towards reversing the BNP’s gains in Sheffield in next year’s local and European elections.Zionists and Fascists to Sabotage Pro Palestinian Picket Tomorrow - help needed
10-09-2003 14:08
Below is a call out from the folks at Fight Racism Fight Imperialism who have kept up a constant weekly vigil outside Marks and Spencer and are now facing hassle from zionists and racists waving Israeli flags and Union Jacks and trying to push them off the streets>NO PASARAN!
Terry Mckay
09-09-2003 13:52
The nasty BNP have won Hecky, and im absolutely devastated. We spent week after week walking the streets of the town to no avail, to no effect whatsoever. God knows how we will manage to mount any kind of campaign next year when the Nazis stand all over Kirklees. All my friends from all over West yorkshire (all twenty of them) will have their own problems in their own areas as Wakefield and Huddersfield BNP field candidates for the first time. Damn that Griffin, damn him, damn him.Dungavel Demonstration 6.8.03
08-09-2003 13:18

Young Webmaster Heads to Prison
06-09-2003 02:19

Iranian Refugee Sets Fire to Himself
05-09-2003 23:00
Israfil Shiri has died after five days of terrible suffering in Wythenshawe Hospital Burns Unit Manchester.On Thursday 27th August Israfil Shiri, a destitute young Iranian man poured petrol over his body and set fire to himself in the offices of Refugee Action in Manchester. He suffered burns to 80% of his body. He had told his friends he would do it to prove that this government cares more about animals than people fleeing torture and persecution.
"If they cut off all my benefits, prevent me from working and make me homeless, I too will commit suicide". These were the words of another Iranian asylum seeker who, along with 30 other people, attended a meeting on Monday to discuss last Thursday's tragedy and how we can prevent it from happening again.
Israfil Shiri, 30, who has been on life support at Wythenshawe Hospital Burns Unit following the suicide attempt at the Manchester offices of Refugee Action last week, died early on the morning of the third September.
General Sanchez's Press Conference Disrupted in Baghdad
05-09-2003 10:40
A group fo activist from chicago-based long-term anti-sanctions and Iraqi solidarity group Voices in the Wilderness managed to enter and disrupt the press conference of the Supreme Commander of the coalition Occupation Forces in Iraq. Apologies for the lateness of this story! Baghdad blackouts, busy days and all-night curfew are responsible...A video clip is on its' way.British Nazi Party Scum Win Another Seat
05-09-2003 09:18
The only good nazi is a dead one.Army murder victim's sister stands in Brent East by election.
04-09-2003 19:49
Kellie McBride, the sister of 18 year old Peter McBride from north Belfast who was shot in the back in 1992 by Scots Guardsmen James Fisher and Mark Wright, was nominated as a candidate in the Brent East Westminster by election.Rob Newman says this is your last chance to support Altwire tonie!
03-09-2003 12:39

Israel and the OPT: democracy, race & class.
02-09-2003 23:06
When the behaviour of the state of Israel is brought up in debate, the usual thing that’s levelled in its favour is that it’s “the only democracy in the middle east”. But what does this mean, and to what extent is it true?Bad news about asylum in Greece
01-09-2003 22:46
Some news and comments about political asylum in Greece.Israel and the Middle East
01-09-2003 19:08
Factual background information.The real cost of LIFE!
01-09-2003 10:58
Could some free reported contact Dr.Mohammed Al-Obaidi for further clarifications?The figure of 37,137 (31/08/03) is of purely civilian casualties and consistent with the nature of the illegal and babaric invasion, level of violence and media censorship.
The most notable one for us is the governorate of Basra 2009 slaughtered. Contrary to recent patterns (eg: Bosnia) whereby the hero worship of the armed thuggery is splashed all over all we have is Alistair/Kelly/Hutton hoodwink. Even the pig Terry Lloyd case is not resolved!
This Is What Democracy Looks Like - report from Baghdad
31-08-2003 12:51
The Occupation in Iraq follows in the footsteps of Saddam...Cost of life?
30-08-2003 12:46
OK this is the financial cost to the illgotten wealth of the US since the declaration of 'war against Iraq' since March 2003Anyone know of a counter of the human cost to innocent Iraqis since the CIA engineered Saddam to start the rape of Iraq in 1991 (or any attempt that amounts to this)?
ISM Reports: Terror In Nablus.
29-08-2003 15:19
The Latest Reports From the International Solidarity Movement (ISM)1) Terror in Nablus
2) Visiting the injured
3) Exchanging ideas with local Imams
4) Your presence is needed for the olive harvest in Palestine