UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Anti Fascism: Bolton Blunderers
25-03-2012 09:45

FCUKBA: a month of immigration repression and resistance
24-03-2012 23:02

BNP man handing out leaflets in the city centre
24-03-2012 16:55

I was doing my shopping in the city centre when one of my mates called me saying there was a man giving out BNP leaflets outside the Royal Centre. Because I wasn't far away I went down to have a look. I couldn't believe it - a guy, on his own, handing out leaflets for a fascist party in the middle of Nottingham and no one batting an eyelid!
David Chichkan: Anarchy & Art
23-03-2012 21:34

Global patriotism, ‘a lyrical drama’ after February 12th, 2012
23-03-2012 18:24

Portsmouth EDL: Islamaphobia, Anti-Semitism and Murder of Muslim Babies
23-03-2012 16:41
Portsmouth Nazi Watch exposes four more members of the far-right English Defence League [EDL] who promote racial and religious bigotry and even the murder of all Muslim babies...Anti-Fascism in the Punk Scene
23-03-2012 13:32
A spectre is hanging over the punk and Oi! scenes; the spectre of fascism. Back in the 80s, neo-Nazi bands such as those involved with Blood & Honour and Rock Against Communism enjoyed a brief spell of easy living, before they were rightly kicked out of the scene and forced further underground...Afghanistan: US-Army-Terroristen !
21-03-2012 12:18
20 US Soldaten am US Massaker in Afghanistan beteiligt .......... Karzai hat die US Besatzungstruppen bereits aufgefordert, das Land zu verlassen. Das ist der Megagau, wenn die selber durch Wahlbetrug installierte Marionette des Westens sich gegen die einstigen Verbündeten stellt. Untersuchungskommission bestätigt, dass bis zu 20 US Soldaten an dem Massaker an Freuen und Kindern in Afghanistan beteiligt waren. Zudem drohen nach dem Mord an 16 Dorfbewohnern in der vergangenen Woche afghanische Abgeordnete, die ausländischen Streitkräfte im Land zu Besatzungstruppen zu erklären und aktiv zu bekämpfen. Entgegen der bisherigen Darstellung hatte nicht ein US Soldat im Rahmen eines Amoklaufes 16 Zivilisten im Schlaf erschossen sondern es waren ungefähr 20 US Soldaten an diesem gezielten Massaker beteiligt.Claiming Responsibility For Recent Counterattacks
20-03-2012 12:53

His story told by his mother .......
20-03-2012 00:10
His story told by his mother: Ayoub Asalya, 12 years old, killed by an Israeli missile ........Stop the fascist NWI - Sat 24/3/2012 (Greater Manchester) Antifascist call-out!
17-03-2012 13:47
The North West Infidels (NWI), a splinter group from the English Defence League with links to many other fascist and extreme-right groups, are planning a demonstration in Greater Manchester on Saturday 24 March.We call on all anti-fascists, anti-racists and organised workers to mobilise in opposition to the presence of these fascists on our streets.We call for a national mobilisation of anti-fascists!
Traveller Solidarity Network brings its Info Night to Cambridge
17-03-2012 13:38
On Sunday 25th of March members of the Traveller Solidarity Network are coming to Cambridge to hold an info night on the issues effecting Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities. The tour hopes to bring together grass roots activists, human rights groups, and those from travelling communities with the aim of building the GRT civil rights movement.TSN brings its Info Night to Sheffield
17-03-2012 12:50
This Monday (19th March) members of the Traveller Solidarity Network are coming to Sheffield to hold an info night on the issues effecting Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) communities. The tour hopes to bring together grass roots activists, human rights groups, and those from travelling communities with the aim of building the GRT civil rights movement.Remotely living Australian Aborigines to be stripped of all rights
17-03-2012 01:09

The imminent vote in the upper house, the Senate, on what is derisively called “Stronger Futures legislation”, will extend for 10 more years draconian restrictions on Aboriginal people who’ve already suffered five years of them.
Report and pics from Jock Palfreeman protest
16-03-2012 14:43

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Granting No Quarter
14-03-2012 02:20
Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad AtzmonSearchlight smearing Anarchists - Paul Preston & "The Spanish Holocaust"
14-03-2012 00:31
The Hope Not Hate website run by Anti-Fascist campaign group Searchlight has published a review by Sam King of historian Paul Preston's new book "The Spanish Holocaust". Sam King states that "Preston makes it clear that the Anarchist CNT were as anti the Republic as the Fascists", and that claim is historically false...