UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
English Defence League Donors Information Leaked
13-11-2012 17:14
ZHC hacking crew come up with the goodsUAF Make Themselves Look Stupid
13-11-2012 13:19

Just posted on the UAF website is a leaflet asking people to tactically vote in this Thursday's PCC elections to stop the BNP candidate Simon Darby in Stoke.

EDL thugs attack we are Norwich counter protesters
11-11-2012 11:17
Fash attackNo Hope In Norwich & Other Tales!
11-11-2012 09:20
Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Yet another weekend washout for the far right with 3 dismal demonstrations and lots of fallouts and embarrassing revelations for anti-fascists to savour then wonder ‘why don’t the English Defence League just give it up?’Barnados under regular pressure in Oxford
09-11-2012 23:20
Campaigners have been picketing and leafletting at the Barnados store in Oxford fairly regularly, in protest at their collusion with the migration-control system, specifically detention of children.Israeli state funded Batsheva Dance performance disrupted
09-11-2012 21:10

Disruption of Israeli state funded Batsheva Dance performance : Brighton Dome
Friday 9 November
You lock up kids you get locked out
08-11-2012 17:32
On the night of the 7th November 2012, unknown activists superglued the locks of Barnardo's shop in Cardiff and left a message to protest against the cooperation of Barnardo s with Cedars detention who are not even refraining from locking up children in their detention center.The action was probably part of the action day against Barnardo s that was held today in different places all over UK.
Sole Survivor of Tragic Sea Crossing Blames Police for Deaths of Migrants
05-11-2012 16:23
No Borders Morocco interview sole survivor of tragic sinking of boats in Straits of Gibraltar on 28.10.12. Full transcript available at along with mp3 of interview in French with English and Wolof translationFascists humiliated in Liverpool
04-11-2012 16:39

STOP THE KILLING: Noise Demo @ Harmondsworth IRC Tues 6th Nov
03-11-2012 13:31
Noise demo @ Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre, Tuesday 6th November 2012 @ 1.30pmREMEMBER THE DEAD - JUSTICE FOR THE LIVING - END IMMIGRATION DETENTION NOW!
Meet at the main entrance to Harmondsworth and Colnbrook IRCs, West Drayton UB7 0HB
Death of a Detainee in Harmondsworth
01-11-2012 12:31
UK migration prisons have claimed yet another victim.What next for anti-fascism after the 'return to Walthamstow'?
31-10-2012 16:07
This Saturday's attempt by the English Defence League to return to Walthamstow marked another chapter in the decline in fortunes of the organisation. Time was when they could get 3000 to a national demo. Now they only managed 60. After a previous national demo at Walthamstow where 300ish EDL were outnumbered by a couple of thousand opposition, leader 'Tommy Robinson' (Stephen Yaxley-Lennon to his mother) announced there would be a return to Walthamstow. A strange strategy... what made him think that re-running the whole thing two months later would change the result is mysterious.Greece: antifascist moto patrols in Athens- VIDEO
31-10-2012 11:03
Greece: antifascist moto patrols in Athens- VIDEOTexas Police Sniper Guns Down Immigrants
31-10-2012 10:49
Welcome to America: Texas Police Sniper Guns Down Immigrants From Helicopter ....... Remember a few months ago how a DEA helicopter was used to gun down two pregnant women and two 14-yr-old boys in Honduras because they were "suspected" of being drug dealers? Well, those same tactics are now being used in America. After being pulled over for having a suspect "covered truck bed," a vehicle which fled from Texas game wardens was shot at by Texas "Department of Public Safety" agents with a sniper rifle from a helicopter.Britain trains Papua killer squads - demo in London against Indonesian president
30-10-2012 20:49

Survival is using SBY's visit to protest against human rights violations in West Papua and to challenge UK Government on its training of specialist anti-terror police who have been implicated in the killing of Papuan leaders.
Report of protest outside North Shields Immigration Reporting Centre - 24/10/12
30-10-2012 14:27
On Wednesday 24th October 2012 Raul Ally and his supporters held a protest to demand justice for Raul and an end to immigration detention and all deportations. See video footage of the protest at:
Next organising meeting: End Detention! Stop Deportations! Fight back against all forms of racism! Saturday 3rd November, 3.30pm,Gateshead Leisure Centre NE8 4JA
The Interface Of The Mormon Church And Electoral Politics
30-10-2012 00:29
Mormon political connections to war, race, the environment, women's rights, and other political issues and actionSchNEWS: EDL in WESTMINSTER
28-10-2012 19:40
ALL RIOT ON THE WESTMINSTER FRONT?For full story and links --

Refugee Hunger Strike Berlin
28-10-2012 10:52
A description of the last weeks events in Berlin and Germany from refugee and asylum seekers against the racist system of immigration policy in Europe.They are fighting against deportation, for freedom of movement, for the closure of refugee camps, for the dignity and better living conditions of refugees in Germany.