UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
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Griffin of the BNP made bankrupt
03-01-2014 14:28
Nicholas Griffin is bankrupt.Non human first declaration another racist attack on animal rights
30-12-2013 09:30
Few things unite the animal liberation movement more than the rejection of Speciesism but recently we have discovered a Racist sympathiser page has sprung up under the banner of NON HUMAN FIRST that is causing a major stir within the animal liberation movementPrince Charles: "The banality of evil"
25-12-2013 07:07

The Many Faces of Nelson Mandela
23-12-2013 18:40

Urgent Phone Blockade for our friend Emily - STOP her from flying!
23-12-2013 12:27

More information can be found at:

Facebook group:

Campaign on twitter #MYmuststay and follow @Unitycentreglas
Actions called by ongoing supporters of MYMustStay Campaign by Cardiff Migrant Solidarity and N&DRSD
Also supported by The Unity Centre
Gaddafi, the African Who Cleansed the Continent from the Humiliation of Aparthei
23-12-2013 10:03

2014 EDL Leaks - List of Far-right and EDL members in the North East of England
22-12-2013 12:08

Calais Winter Appeal
21-12-2013 13:00

EDL: A Disaster In 2013
21-12-2013 10:34
2013 has been an a dismal year for the far right! Merry Xmas!UG#672 - Mainstream or Extreme? (7-7, Islamophobia & CCM as Establishment Tools)
21-12-2013 09:03

Socialist International honours the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela
20-12-2013 05:59

Law: U.K. jury asks if U.K. soldiers are ... terrorists
19-12-2013 12:03

UN’s Syria “Aid” Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped Terrorists
16-12-2013 20:20
As the UN prepares to flood the Syrian conflict with another 6.5 billion dollars, tales of how “aid money” is ending up facilitating the activities of terrorists inside and along Syria’s borders suggest the UN is not trying to provide mercy for the Syrian people, but perpetuate the tragedy further still. Should the UN decide to truly care about ending the ongoing catastrophe that is the proxy invasion of Syria by foreign-backed terrorists, it could always point out the true nature of the conflict and hold those responsible for it, NATO and its regional axis, fully accountable. Anything less is but a criminal rouse meant to intentionally perpetuate the conflict and give the West yet another chance to end it on terms they find favorable.Palestine Today 16 12 2013
16-12-2013 19:35

Far-right meeting in central London today.
14-12-2013 12:53
A meeting of the far-right and openly racist "Traditional Britain Group" is being advertised on Facebook to take place today in central London with the intention of establishing an anti-immigration, pro-repatriation reactionary "counter-establishment".Palestine Today 12 12 2013
12-12-2013 18:38

Palestine Today 11 12 2013
11-12-2013 19:25

Charlie Sargent Interview
11-12-2013 18:31
The following is a genuine interview with Charlie (Paul) Sargent of the failed Nazi Combat 18 gang who stabbed a ‘racial comrade’ to death and received a very long prison sentence, the naughty boy! It took place over several weeks on Facebook (home of digital fascism). No money was exchanged but a lot of insults were.My Misdemeanors for Mandela
10-12-2013 22:09

Fascist uprising in the Ukraine
09-12-2013 13:33