UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Campsfield detainees release second statement
07-08-2010 18:39
Detainees at Campsfield migrant prison near Oxford are currently on hunger strike in protest at their injust situation. This statement was released by them several days ago, but so far has not been published here, only circulated on mailing lists..Chanting and banging heard at Campsfield migrant prison
07-08-2010 18:30
Detainees at Campsfield migrant prison near Oxford are currently on hunger strike in protest at their injust situation. This is a short report from Tuesday night, forwarded from a campaign mailing list..“Countdown to Zero”: Hollywood movie promotes war on Iran
06-08-2010 09:48

Seductive, fascinating and frightening, Countdown to Zero motivates the public to support complete nuclear disarmament and to fear Iran, which is conveniently the next country the US wants to invade. Framed in no-nuke rhetoric, Countdown to Zero is not-so-subtle agitprop. The film relies on conventional geopolitics to whip up conventional audiences into another conventional state of panic. Islamo-terrorists just can’t acquire this technology! This is painfully similar to what we were told prior to the invasion of Iraq.
BNP Leadership Challenge
05-08-2010 17:41
“Meanwhile things are hotting up in the BNP alright,Conspiracies on the internet, knives in the night.”
English Defence League [EDL] pre Bradford meet & party Sat 7th August in Seaham
05-08-2010 14:38

Stop the EDL! Ask EDL coach company Johnsons not to transport the EDL Nazis
04-08-2010 17:02

High Court in Kenya Rules Hundreds of Death Sentences Unconstitutional
01-08-2010 20:08
Kenya further strengthens the 88% of the world's countries not involvedin premeditated judicial murder
Taunton Benefit Gigs: Renata Zelazna / Womens Refuge / Antifascist
01-08-2010 15:25

16th September - Taunton Womens Refuge
6th October - Moscow Antifa
21st October - Benefit TBA
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Planned EDL Counter Protest in Bradford fails to raise eyebrows
31-07-2010 12:19

Vengeance is mine,, declareth the Supreme Court Judge.
31-07-2010 11:11
P D James, famed mystery writer, has a character say in effect"Vengeance is mine,, declareth the judge".(who is enjoined by scripture not to judge.) While Britain is among the 88% of the world's countries which have
ended premeditated judicial murder, the US, China, Israel, Nigeria, Saudi
Arabia are among the 12% of countries on the caboose of the train of history.
Manchester Antifascist Alliance (MAFA) news, events and actions.
30-07-2010 16:23
MAFA continues the fight against fascism through the summer and beyond.EDL ban women from Bradford demo
30-07-2010 08:30
Islamophobic EDL havebanned femal members from DEmoThe EDL put pig's head on Finsbury Park Mosque. Protest London 31st July 2.30pm
30-07-2010 01:35

We need a new anti-racist movement
29-07-2010 15:37
Racism in the UK has moved on from simple prejudice about skin colour to a system rooted in ideas about Britishness. Today's racists, even those of the extreme right, rarely speak openly about 'race'. Instead they demand that people take on 'British' values and culture or they be punished. These demands are usually focussed on the same targets of the older racism - recent immigrants and those whose way of life is different to what is deemed to be traditional.Global wave to stop this deportation!
27-07-2010 19:20
A Bolivian widow and her two British raised children have had their application for residency rejected and are now being threatened with imminent deportation. Let's have a massive global wave of solidarity and stop this deportation! We are asking everyone to sign the petition and then resend this message to all your contacts in London, the rest of the UK and around the world.Full article | 1 addition | 14 comments
Calls for Home Secretary to Ban the EDL from Bradford
27-07-2010 15:42
The Telegraph & Argus, trade unions, Bradford University, political parties, faith leaders, the Chamber of Commerce, dozens of community groups and Bradford Council have all spoken out against the proposed English Defence League demonstration calling for it to be banned.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Bother In Bradford by 'Malatesta'
27-07-2010 13:08
The EDL are to march in Bradford. But all is not well.EDL Members Arrested Over Suspected Mosque Bomb Plot
26-07-2010 23:48

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What would you change in the Police?
26-07-2010 02:03
The BBC wants the views of the public on aspects of policing.Go on, have your say!