UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Phone Blockade English Defence League coach company Johnsons Coaches
17-08-2010 17:10

Demonstration Against pro Israeli "Death On The Med" BBC programe 22 August 2010
17-08-2010 14:17

Panorama aired "Death On The Med" a documentary about the Israeli attacks on the Freedom Flotilla in May 2010 - Israel's version. The BBC once again aired and spread propaganda on Israel's behalf.
Protest at French embassy in Warsaw against evictions and police brutality
17-08-2010 02:10
Polish activists and migrants subvertise a bilboard and hold protest outside french embassy in warsaw over police brutality, evictions and racism in FranceFascist demonstration in Brighton on August bank holiday
16-08-2010 21:44
Call out for a counter mobilisationThe labour movement must mobilise against the EDL in Bradford!
15-08-2010 21:19
Hope not Hate have put out a statement opposing any counter demonstration against the EDL in Bradford on the 28th of August. This call has been backed by Yorkshire and the Humber TUC and some other trade unionists.This is the Bradford United Against Racism groups response.
Croydon EDL Division beaten at Whitechapel Tube
15-08-2010 15:58
Last night (Saturday 14th August) members of the Croydon Division of the EDL (English Defence League) got turned over while flyering at Whitechapel Tube Station by locals. Having had a busy day waving Israeli flags in Central London (Monmouth Street) in support of the cosmetics retailer Ahava, the Croydon Division of the EDL wrongly decided to stop off at Whitechapel Tube Station late Saturday evening when returning from a meeting in Essex.
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!
14-08-2010 23:23
Tuesday 31 August • 5-6pmoutside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre, Old Street London, EC1V 9BR
Zionists and EDL Unite for counter-demo at Ahava
14-08-2010 20:11

In celebration of the recent court victory which saw four campaigners acquitted for blockading the Ahava shop in Covent Garden during 2009, approximately 60 protestors gathered outside its doors in Monmouth Street, central London, to celebrate and continue promoting boycott, divestment and sanctions against the Israeli occupation. While demonstrators were met by the usual Zionist counter-demonstrators, on this occasion they arrived flanked by the openly racist English Defence League.[video]
The Racist Danish
14-08-2010 12:43

Haaretz interview with Jewish EDL activists
13-08-2010 13:51

EDL Meeting in Cheltenham tonight... 8pm (12th Aug) phone the venue...
12-08-2010 14:17
The Gloucestershire division of the EDL are having a meeting tonight at 8pm to discuss Bradford with meeting places etc...Map...

March to stop the EDL – drive them off the streets of Bradford
12-08-2010 10:57

BNP Latest by 'Malatesta'
12-08-2010 08:41
The leadership challenge is over, what next for the BNP?Remember Rwanda when you "Protest the Pope"
10-08-2010 23:06
The Catholic Church instigated the genocide of 800,000 people in Rwanda and despite the International Court convictions of Priest and Nuns it went almost unnoticed. Draw attention to this crime when you join the "protest the Pope" demonstration in London.English Defence League plans against Camberly Mosque in Surrey.
10-08-2010 20:01

English Defence League plans to invade Al Quds Day in London September 4th.
09-08-2010 19:38

Targeting Iran: Is the US Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?
09-08-2010 15:54

English Defence League LGBT Division in support of Zionist protest in London
08-08-2010 23:44

English Defence League London Division in support of the UAF against the BNP
07-08-2010 21:18