UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
More tax breaks for the rich
11-08-2011 14:18
Another pleasant reminder today that we're all in this together. Father Christmas has surely come early for the super-rich, as shops hit by rioting, including those owned by the corporations that already 'manage' their tax bill down to virtually nothing and who are more than capable of taking this one on the chin, will receive substantial tax breaks.Palestine Today 08 10 2011
10-08-2011 15:13

Emergency Demonstration In Deprford Tonight (Wednesday)
10-08-2011 12:48

Palestine Today 08 09 2011
09-08-2011 15:12

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Britain’s riots: A society in denial of the burning issues
09-08-2011 13:41

Britain’s social decay has been seething over several decades, overseen by Conservative and Labour governments alike. The burning issues that need to be addressed to explain the outburst of arson, looting and rioting are endemic racism endured by Britain’s black community and, more generally, the deepening poverty that is increasingly racking British society.
UK Antifascist Prisoners – Latest info
08-08-2011 14:27

Inquiry into British torture a shambles
05-08-2011 07:01
This public relations exercise will actively avoid digging, shed no new light on anything, and hold no one accountable.EDL Yorkshire demo - 4 towns in one day
05-08-2011 01:11
EDL Yorkshire demo - 4 towns in one dayLeeds
Redwatch informer gathering data from Facebook exposed
04-08-2011 10:38

Palestine Today 08 02 2011
02-08-2011 17:00

Hands Off Libya! Street rally Saturday 6 August
02-08-2011 11:39
On 19 March 2011 the British state, along with France and the US, began bombing Libya. This is the 46th separate British military operation in North Africa and the Middle East since the end of the Second World War. By 13 July Libyan sources said that NATO was responsible for killing 1,108 people with its airstrikes and wounding another 4,500.Norway and white immigration
01-08-2011 20:29
Norway's immigration figures show that for the public 'immigration' means black or Eastern European and migrants from Western countries are not migrants. Immigration is not about nationalism.Jens David Breivik son Anders
01-08-2011 19:52

Defend Crays Hill travellers site in Essex
01-08-2011 11:04
Cray Hill travellers site in Essex near Basildon is home to over 100 families and is facing eviction at the end of this months. Most of the residents have been there for many years and have absolutely nowhere else to go. People have agreed to move if the council offers an alternative site but they have offered Boat, by Bike: UK activists pedal to Palestine (with Photo Essay)
30-07-2011 19:07

Hungarian restaurant takes down flag after repeated threats of violence!
30-07-2011 15:38
Pub receives threats from locals after flying Hungarian flag.Colchester Council Hates Gypsies
29-07-2011 19:30
With the eviction of Dale Farm looming, the local papers around Essex seem to be filled with anti-gypsy stories right now. Not to be left behind in the racism stakes, Colchester Council are getting in on the act to...