UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Defend the Harmondsworth 4!
03-11-2007 10:15
In January four detainees will go on trial charged with criminal damage following riots in Harmondsworth in November 2006. There is a public meeting in London on Tuesday 13th November to discuss how we can support the four before, during and after the trial.United Friends and Family March 2007
02-11-2007 16:03

Upon arriving at Downing Street the silent procession became a noisy explosion of anger led by Janet Alder whose brother Christopher suffocated on the floor of Hull Police station, while officers made fun of him. The Police attempted to enforce the SOCPA ban on megaphones. So Pauline Campbell took hold of the mic to remind them that she had been arrested 14 times and that previous attempts to prosecute her had failed dismally. The megaphone remained in use for the rest of the event.
After finishing at Downing street the march then proceeded to Parliament square for more speeches. The march was briefly held up by a particularly inept Police motorcyclist who parked his bike in front of the banner leading the procession. He was quickly surrounded by furious protesters and had to be removed from the melee by his colleagues. Deliberate disrespect, or just inept?
The Fargate Speaker- Autumn Edition online
02-11-2007 12:08

Northern Assurance super-glued shut as protest against Brook House
02-11-2007 10:13
The locks of the Northern Assurance Building were super-glued shut in the early hours of Friday, 2 November. This was an act of sabotage against FD Tamesis, housed in this building, intended to highlight the company's involvement in the construction of what will be the UK's largest immigrant deportation centre, Brook House near Gatwick Airport. 2 November is a national day of action against Brook House, called by the No Borders network: across the country, companies with a hand in this new deportation centre will be targeted, pressuring them to end their involvement.Siege of Gaza Will Lead to Violent Escalation
02-11-2007 00:56
A violent escalation is precisely the response Israel is hoping to provoke.When that happens, Israel will re-take Gaza militarily, flattening every man, woman, and child still standing, while invoking the "they MADE us do this" defense" like a mantra.
UN Rapporteur: Israel Worst Colonial Regime
01-11-2007 01:44
Israeli Extremists love this condemnation (just not the publicity), because like all sociopathic Fascists, they measure their power in how much they can get away with.Desmond Tutu Likens Israeli Actions to Apartheid
01-11-2007 01:43
And if anyone's qualified to make such an assessment, it's someone who suffered under S. African Apartheid.Nobody has damaged Zionism's support more than the Extremists currently running Israel, and whipping up the Madness we've experienced these past six years.
Israel Readies for Military Assault of Gaza
01-11-2007 01:41
The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine-Round 2
Missing U.S. Nuke - Martyrs who stopped World War III?
31-10-2007 00:49

Oujda/Morocco: Urgent call for help
30-10-2007 17:09
During a meeting on Sunday, Oct 28, 2007, the board of the "Association Beni Znassen for culture" (ABCDS) stated that, near Oujda (Morocco), countless deportations of sub-Saharan migrants to Algeria continue to take place since Dec 23, 2006. This initial action was but one episode of a series of mass deportations of immigrants.The Problem With...Homogeneity
30-10-2007 09:56

Germany, Berlin: Turkish fascist riots against left-winged Kurds
30-10-2007 08:27

Lewisham 77 event - 10th November 2007
30-10-2007 07:36

Deaths in Custody: What the Families demand
30-10-2007 03:41

Israeli Legal Advisor Halts Gaza Collective Punishment
30-10-2007 03:13
Has the British media been covering this? The US and Canadian media has been almost silent on the issue. The plan appears to be to ignore the initial provocation - just as the media ignored Israel and America's support of the failed coup attempt by Fatah in Gaza - and only focus on the predicted Palestinian response, which will then be used to 'justify' Israel's long-planned assault on the world's largest Concentration Camp.Starting to understand how the game is played?
Ahmadinejad cartoons in the British press
29-10-2007 22:09

Food Not Bombs on 3rd November
29-10-2007 15:09
Food not Bombs will be supporting the anti racism march in Whitworth Park on the 3rd of November with hot free food. Anyone who wants to help cooking, serving, collecting food donations etc, please get in touch on:07906614815 or

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Dignity Not Detention! march arrives at Lindholme
28-10-2007 22:41

The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine-Round 2
28-10-2007 21:51
Note that the Brown Government has done nothing to oppose or condemn these War Crimes.