UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
How to get rid of Anti-Semitism (by Latuff)
11-11-2007 20:45

Gypsy woman murdered in Milan, her makeshift shelter set on fire
11-11-2007 16:11
EveryOne Group is carrying out a campaign against the discrimination and instigation to racial violence that is becoming more and more desperate every day. Write your comment to:
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killed by a group of neo-Nazis
11-11-2007 15:24
A young man of about 20 years of age have been killed this morning by a stab in the heart, killed by a group of neo-Nazis in a subway station in Madrid.Fascist concerts at Slimelight, London
11-11-2007 12:13
On October 31st 2007 North London club Slimelight based at 7 Torrens Street, Islington EC1 hosted a Halloween event organised by
Donadio, who over the past decade has been jointly responsible for promoting such 'controversial artists' as Death In June and Ostara, mainly in the London area.
Collective Punishment: Crisis in Gaza
10-11-2007 15:09
Why do the Palestinians not possess the right to defend themselves?Massive Israeli Aggression To Follow Annapolis PR Event
10-11-2007 15:08
As support and sympathy for Israel and its ruling Extremists steadily deteriorates, it appears that their intentions are to create facts on the ground and eliminate much of what remains of Palestine, before they're forced to end their decades-long war.Massive Assault on Gaza Imminent
09-11-2007 15:48
The timing is interesting, given the upcoming "Annapolis Conference", which serves to be about PR alone, as Olmert has already ruled out any Negotiations or Compromise in the name of peace.If you follow the events surrounding Israel's "Disengagement" from Gaza, you will quickly understand that this was the plan all along. While Israel was making a public spectacle of "forcing Jews to leave their homes", it was quietly surrounding the Strip with artillery emplacements, in an operation ominously named "First Rain".
Under this operation, Gaza basically became a "Free-Fire Zone", and several artillery and gunship strikes killed a high number of civilians. Finally, when one of these batteries fired upon and murdered a Palestinian family - picnicking on a beach that had been Segregated "Jews Only" only weeks before, Hamas finally decided to call an end to its unilateral, two-year cease-fire.
(In essence, they took Israel's bait. After all, you can't excuse your Aggression and label it "defense" if you're not being intermittently attacked. Never mind the hypocrisy underlying the entire media's framing of that whole debate ...)
When the Palestinians responded by electing Hamas to power (yes, elected), Israeli Extremists and their Ideological, bought foreign co-conspirators imposed unilateral sanctions on Gaza, a bit of Collective Punishment which increased the hardship of those stuck in the world's largest Concentration Camp.
When they felt Gaza had been substantially weakened, the US and Israel undertook a Coup attempt, using corrupt elements within the Fatah Party, provoking a violent response by Hamas, which expelled the group. Most of the world's media ignored the events leading to this "crisis", and instead only repeated the Propaganda emanating from the US and Israel, which used this to further increase sanctions against Gaza.
Most recently, Israel stepped up its Collective Punishment, except that human rights groups and legal advisors to the Government halted some of its approved measures, because they run contrary to International Humanitarian Law.
This was sold as another "response to rocket attacks" (again highlighting the hypocrisy of the debate's Framing - are the Palestinians allowed to defend themselves from strikes which actually KILL people ... ?), even though high-ranking officials said that this was NOT, in fact, a response to these attacks, but a way to "distance Israel from Gaza's infrastructure".
The real reason for this whole episode, of course, has been to "soften up" the Gaza Strip for a long-planned military attack, a way to undermine the resolve, and hopefully rid this territory of Palestinians altogether.
Of course, the corporate media says none of this, unless you're able to read between the lines. Then it's all right there in black 'n white ...
Forest Gate two: we were held up again and taunted this August
08-11-2007 22:47
The Forest Gate two's revelation of a second gunpoint ordeal this yearZionist Hatred Hits the Soccer Field
08-11-2007 13:24
And then these same Extremists get angry when the Palestinians respond to Zionism's continued war to wipe Palestine off the map.UK Green Party backs murderer Ian Blair
07-11-2007 15:51
UK Green Party backs murderer Ian BlairCalais:St Germain' s Café refuse black people
07-11-2007 02:39
In Calais, when you are black, some cafés can refuse you. Without rights to make that.I am french woman. St Germain stopped me because i was with one black man.
Brixton CopWatch Needs YOUR Support
06-11-2007 20:24
Police monitoring has got to happen.3 November Anti-Racist Demonstration
06-11-2007 20:14
Anti-Racist campaigners take to the streets in Manchester in support of the rights of Asylum Seekers in opposition to Labour racism.Stop racism in Italy against Roma people (the murder of Giovanna Reggiani)
06-11-2007 12:02
Everyone Group asks for an end of the racist campaign against the Roma peopleHatred and tragedies taking place throughout Italy. Last night in rome, four roma were beaten up, one of them was seriously injured. In Genoa, Turin, Milan and other cities patrols of people are hunting down gypsies. The murder of Giovanna Reggiani: one man guilty, not a whole people.
Defend Democratic Rights! Join the protest on 13th November!
06-11-2007 11:21

Fall out from Bush/Blairs respect war against Islam: "'Thousands' pose UK....
05-11-2007 14:16
....terror threat."November 10th. Anti Separation Wall Action in Cornmarket
04-11-2007 12:04
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10TH 12-2PM. ACTION AGAINST ISRAEL'S ILLEGAL SEPARATION WALL IN PALESTINE. CORNMARKET (St Michael's tower end), CENTRAL OXFORDPlease join Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Oxford Women in Black and others for a vigil to mark the International Day of Action against the separation wall in Palestine
Menzies Family initiate civil prosecution of the Met
04-11-2007 11:20

An emergency decree to expel poor Romanians illustrates once a
03-11-2007 20:07
The ancient Romans extended citizenship and the protection of their formidable legions to loyal European vassals. Modern Romans are more circumspect: This week they decided to offer their hospitality only to those fellow European citizen classified above the poverty line.