UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Fascist meeting & demo in London
16-07-2011 15:48
The 'National Socialist Movement Britannia' will be holding a meeting and picket of the Israeli Embassy in London next Saturday...RedWatch Photographer identified - Regan Hamilton
14-07-2011 19:31

Antifascist Benefit T-shirts
14-07-2011 09:38

RedWatch Cameraman - Please help identify
13-07-2011 23:48

EDL out of Pompey!
13-07-2011 23:41
This saturday, the English Defence League will try to invade Portsmouth for the second time. We are calling on anti-fascists to stand against their racial violence and oppose the march through the city streets.America's dirty war on Islam
11-07-2011 11:18

America's media ignore how unjustly it harms millions of disadvantaged people. Instead, they regurgitate spurious high-profile case accusations, always when Muslims are affected. Most often they're men, occasionally women, bogusly charged with terrorism or conspiracy to commit it, when, in fact, they're guilty only of being targets of choice and/or being in America at the wrong time.
Support Our Six Proud Antifascists
10-07-2011 13:19

UK Antifascist Prisoners
08-07-2011 09:51

"...Liberty and Justice for all"? Prisoner Solidarity Protest, US Embassy,4 July
06-07-2011 09:23

Push the EDL out of Pompey!
05-07-2011 22:51
On saturday 16th July, the English Defence League will try to invade Portsmouth for the second time. We are calling on anti-fascists to stand against their racial violence and oppose the march through the city streets.Palestine Today 07052011
05-07-2011 18:41

Palestine Today 07042011
04-07-2011 16:49

Dale Farm eviction notice served -- Camp Constant to be set up from Sat. Aug 27
04-07-2011 16:39
Today, some 90 families at Dale Farm, the UK's largest Traveller community, were hand-delivered a final notice of eviction giving families until midnight on August 31 to abandon their homes, or face their entire community being bulldozed. The central government and Basildon Council have set aside over £18m for the eviction battle that could last three weeks. It will be the biggest clearance of its kind involving the ploughing up of 54 separate plots created on a former scrap-yard purchased by the Travellers ten years ago.Harry's Place, Islamophobia and the arrest of Sheikh Raed Salah
04-07-2011 11:09

Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support
02-07-2011 18:31
Six antifascists were recently fitted-up and sent to prison. Because of ongoing legal issues, for the moment we are unable to say more about their case, but a full report will eventually be issued. Suffice to say, they have been well and truly fucked over and deserve our fullest support and solidarity. Please write to them. As always, assume your letters are being read by our enemies and ensure you do not compromise your own security or that of others. Also please note that Thomas Blak and Austin Jackson are as yet unsentenced. For advice on writing to prisoners see the Leeds ABC website. La lucha continua!Inqlab Against the Cuts! A Benefit night for destitute asylum seekers in Brum.
01-07-2011 22:34
The Con-Dem government's austerity drive is due to wreak even more devastation on the lives of some of the most oppressed and marginalised people in the UK. Come and show your support for a small human rights advocacy charity, working to improve the lives of thosewho have fled persecution and been left in destitution by the UK's racist immigration policies.Reminder: March 4 Justice: Saturday July 2nd 2011 in Birmingham
01-07-2011 12:36
Birmingham - 3 police custody deaths in 11 monthsDemetre Fraser - 31st May 2011
Kingsley Burrell - 30th March 2011
Lloyd Butler - 4 August 2011
Justice for Kingsley Burrell, Demetre Fraser, Lloyd Butler
Campaigning for Justice for Kingsley Burrell and for legislative reform in regards to deaths in custody. In unity with Justice 4 Smiley Culture and all those who have lost a loved one in these circumstances.
March for Justice for Kingsley Burrell and for all those that have lost their lives in police custody.
We call on you to march with us in Birmingham
One People with One Aim: Justice for All
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Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support
29-06-2011 08:55