UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Incendiary device outside neonazi organizer's house and claim
13-06-2008 17:40
Thessaloniki, 13/6/2008: This is a translation of a claim sent to

(Translator's note: Chryssi Avgi aka "Golden Dawn" is a neonazi organization funded by and linked to the state's secret agencies)
Notts Stop the BNP: Public Meeting
13-06-2008 15:43

Around the Campaigns Friday 13th June 2008
13-06-2008 14:31
Two more 'Ethnic Charter Flights'
The Home Office have been rounding up and detaining Iraqi's and Jamaicans to be removed by charter flights later this month.
Palestinians Catch Settler-Extremist Attack On Film
13-06-2008 00:00
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation handed out cameras throughout S. American flashpoints during the 80's, and these actually prevented several acts of violence, including attacks by armed thugs several Governments had paid to disrupt workers' meetings and demonstrations.I hope this catches on again.
As George Bush visits London, Reprieve tells Bush and Brown: Bring Binyam Back t
12-06-2008 12:32

When: 3 pm, Sunday 15 June
Who: Reprieve Director Clive Stafford Smith, former Guantánamo prisoners, Barney the Dinosaur and other special guests
Olmert: Next U.S. Administration May Not Be as 'Accommodating'
12-06-2008 02:01
Dare to dream ...Judging by the carbon-copies the candidates the media allows coverage to gave at last week's AIPAC Conference, I don't think Zionist Extremism has much to fret about.
Freedom Rider: Obama Obliterates Iran
11-06-2008 13:49
What Israel wants from the Americans, Israel gets - and in spades from Barack Obama. Along with Hillary Clinton and John McCain, Obama bent his knees to the breaking point in pleasing to please the annual conference of AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC represents the rightwing politics of a small nation, but the fawning behavior of America's top politicians gave the impression of an Israeli empire, demanding tribute. Obama was generous with the U.S. treasury. "As president I will implement a Memorandum of Understanding that provides $30 billion in assistance to Israel over the next decade," he vowed, earning thirteen rounds of sustained applause.Support grows for 21 June national march against fascism
11-06-2008 11:26
Stop the fascist BNP Assemble 12 noon, Saturday 21 June, at Tooley Street, London SE1. For transport details go to » or » www.lovemusichateracism.comRed White & Blue festival - Licence Refused
10-06-2008 23:12
Amber Valley Council refuse red white & Blue festival licenceRed White Blue Festival licence refused
10-06-2008 21:43
This evening Ripley council refused the application for the Red White and Blue festival.Terror arrest survivor Rizwaan Sabir on BBC News
10-06-2008 20:49
BBC News have interviewed Rizwaan Sabir about the pending vote on extending the time for which police can hold people without charge.Silvio Berlusconi: A threath for European democracy?
10-06-2008 12:21

The victory of Berlusconi has nothing to do with the 'exotic' nature of Italians, or with political left or right but everything with mediaconcentrations that can fall in the wrong hands.
Who or what controls the European media?
U.S. Consulate employee dies of heart attack at Israeli checkpoint
10-06-2008 00:56
Some friend ...Israeli officials: We will invade Gaza before truce deal takes effect
10-06-2008 00:55
We can now see, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Israel's ruling Extremists are the ones who've rejected peace and coexistence with the Palestinians.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Anarchists fed up with Lega Nord racists in Italy, get feisty
08-06-2008 16:12
Anarchists and anti-racists in Trento, North-East Italy got fed up with the racist crap representives of the local Lega Nord (Northern League) spout in the local town centre. The video shows how.No Borders! Gig 14th June, London
08-06-2008 02:25
While the UK government is announcing plans to build more detention centres and increase immigration detention of 60%, it is felt by some that to support immigration detainees is needed more than ever!Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin Germany
08-06-2008 01:23

Attacks against nationalist bookshops in Athens
07-06-2008 15:23

Video of today's protest against the deportation of Mako and her children
07-06-2008 02:44
A video of today's protest against the deportation of leading TCAR member Mako is online at:
Israel Readying Long-Planned, Full-Scale Gaza Invasion
06-06-2008 18:43
I love how the mainstream, corporate media, with its immense resources, is pretending that this hasn't been the plan all along ...