UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 110408
05-11-2008 15:15

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Wednesday November 05.2008
Activists protest in support of asylum seekers
05-11-2008 12:37

Palestine Today 110408
04-11-2008 15:15

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday November 4,2008
British Fascism and How to Fight It
04-11-2008 15:07
International Bolshevik Tendency fringe public meeting at the Socialist Party's 'Socialism 2008' weekend. 1pm, Sunday 9 November in the Bloomsbury Suite, ULU, Malet St, London WC1E 7HY.Palestine Today 110308
04-11-2008 10:33

Violent Racism in the Duck Pond: Danish Anti-Racist Viciously Attacked
02-11-2008 18:17
An anti-racist organiser was viciously attacked by the far-right extremists whose mushrooming is encouraged by a warmongering, anti-social state of affairs.BNP in Sussex poppy parade?
02-11-2008 15:26
FASCISTS are planning to join in the official remembrance day ceremony in Horsham, West Sussex, next weekend, the local rag has reported.The parade on Sunday November 9 is due to arrive at the war memorial in the Carfax, Horsham, at 10.50am for the traditional 11am timing.
Here is the article at
Free Lex Wotton: Aboriginal Political Prisoner
02-11-2008 15:12
Stand up in solidarity with the people of Palm Island against racism and police brutality!African Students Demand End to Imperialist War in Congo
01-11-2008 19:11

Refugee beheaded after being deported to Afghanistan from Australia
01-11-2008 18:35
As EU deportations to Afghanistan are set to increase...."A Second 9/11": An Integral Part of US Military Doctrine
01-11-2008 15:26

the President and the Vice President have intimated, in no certain terms,
that there will be "a Second 9/11". All the authoritative statements point
in chorus in the same direction: The enemy will strike again!
Right Wing Obama Love
31-10-2008 19:48

"Right wingers who openly follow the doctrine of America's right to empire
and conquest are now endorsing Obama." William Buckley's son, Christopher,
has been won over by Obama, causing Buckley to be excommunicated from the
Church of the Hard Right. Christopher Hitchens, the former radical who has
learned to love the war on terror, has found a warm place in his heart for
Michelle's husband. It must be those things Obama says so alluringly, like,
I'm going to have a foreign policy like Ronald Reagan's.
This Week in Palestine, Week 44
31-10-2008 19:11

No Borders clarification
31-10-2008 18:41
Wondering about the basic principles behind the No Borders and similar movements.Demonstrate in support of asylum seekers - Tuesday 4 November
31-10-2008 10:16
DEMONSTRATE AGAINST BRITAIN ’S RACIST IMMIGRATION LAWSShow solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrants
TUESDAY 4 November 1 – 2PM
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
Palestine Today 103008
30-10-2008 16:17

Fascists say the funniest things!
29-10-2008 22:19

Palestine Today 102908
29-10-2008 16:28

Palestine Today 102808
28-10-2008 16:06

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Tuesday 28, 2008
Palestine Today 102708
27-10-2008 16:17

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Monday 27,2008