UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Israeli Govt. Sends Dodgy Check To Hurndall Family
22-11-2003 15:35
State sends bad check to peace activist shot by IDFBy Arnon Regular, Haaretz Correspondent
ISM Reports: Civil Resistance Events In Jayyous, Jenin, & Rafah
21-11-2003 15:17
1. Press Release for Jenin Action on Saturday, November 22, 20032. Rafah Update - More Deaths, Shootings and Arrests
3. Pain Without Borders at the Israeli Checkpoints
The"war on terrorism" or the "war on Islam"? - The Neo-Conservative's geo-strat
21-11-2003 00:55
The war on terror is but a facade for the real American agenda. The war against Islam.Palace brigade stopped by sit down
20-11-2003 10:43

Part of Bush Demo in Manchester - Video
19-11-2003 23:04
Video clip of part of the 10,000 strong demo in Manchester on 19th Novemeber 2003.Prince Charles: ''American policy on the Middle East is complete madness''
19-11-2003 21:13
Almost as good as the mayor of London.Freedom thugs and assasins! pulled?
19-11-2003 19:48
The pigscum wanker and the english braindeads today hijacked Freedom once again.The transcripts of the speech probably is pulled.

Citizens FOR police
19-11-2003 08:37

ISM Reports: The Latest Activist Reports From Palestine
18-11-2003 13:56
Tuesady 18th November 2003The Latest ISM Activist Reports From Palestine
Die Telegraph die
18-11-2003 00:58
Here is a good article on the good news that the daily bullshit from the Telegraph crap could die soon.The quoted sentences below from the article is worth following up as the CBI are a bunch of pigscum.
Mass murderer lives well.
17-11-2003 15:09
This is the luxurious prison lifestyle of the Lockerbie bomber—the Libyan jailed for the terrorist killings of 270 people.THE WEBSITE ALJAZEERAH.INFO PROVIDES LINKS TO WHITE SUPREMACIST WEBSITE!!
15-11-2003 23:03

links on its front page to a white
supremacist website simply because it
provides video footage and still images
of Israeli oppression.
Second West Bank Wall Protest in Manchester - Video
15-11-2003 19:47

Bush Up North
14-11-2003 19:06

Victoria Slumlord Kimpton slammed in media (New Palestine/The Hood/Fernwood)
14-11-2003 16:16
Missing beams, leaking sewer gas, no fire escapes, missing smoke alarms, debris falling from ceiling. Tenants make the landlords rich whilethey risk their lives.
The Learning Experience of Rakan
12-11-2003 21:45
Defence of Children International has received previous reports of threatened sexual abuse, usually pronounced during extraction of a confession during interrogation. Threat of such a thing to a child, is a vile act by itself, but now allegedly there has been an actual incident, which took place in Ofer Military Prison just outside of Ramallah.BBC man offer Middle Eastern open dialogue
12-11-2003 21:28

55 000 Iraqis killed!!!
12-11-2003 12:45
I was wondering why the recent report of '360 000 Iraqi dead in mass grave' story as circulated in our local pig media came about. Never found the answer until now; It has nothing ot do with Prince Charles getting butt fucked instead probably everythign to do with countering a UK based charities report on 55 000 innocent Iraqi civilians killed since March of this year!