UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
EDL Chased out of Tower Hamlets
07-09-2011 00:35
As far as English Defence League demonstrations concerned, Tower Hamlets was always going to be a disaster.The press turned sharpley on them, no one in London wanted them there and many members bottled it resulting in cancelled coaches all over the North of England. Despite it being billed as 'The Big One - Taking the fight to the Lion's Den) only 1,000 actually made it.
EDL Unveil New child Sex Offender
07-09-2011 00:28
Another English Defence League child sex offender has been revealed. John Snowy Shaw of the EDL's breakaway group the North West Infidels broke the news yesterday when Micheal Coates aka Mickey Blue eyes was revealed as a habitual child sex attacker using several false surnames in an effort to keep his identity concealed from his new partner.EDL frontman on 'hunger strike'
06-09-2011 10:33
coz "prison food is halal"!? Surely he can avail himself of the kosher meal option?The day the EDL didn’t come to Tower Hamlets
05-09-2011 09:12
The EDL had spent nearly 6 months planning on coming to Tower Hamlets for ‘The Big One’ into ‘the heart of militant Islam’ ‘the lion’s den’.Can you identify - seemed to be an organiser at EDL gathering Liverpool Street
04-09-2011 14:54

EDL's Tommy Robinson threatens the entire Muslim community of Britain
04-09-2011 12:36
The claim of being opposed only to 'extremists' and being non violent has been dropped by the EDL. With the recent links to the mass killer Anders Brevik the following quote from Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is worrying indeed.Video of EDL getting spanked in Mile End
04-09-2011 11:14

EDL escorted through the City of London
04-09-2011 08:53

The Slamming Of The Door by Sean Cregan
03-09-2011 21:51
A poem by antifascist prisoner Sean Cregan.Poor showing against the EDL today
03-09-2011 19:19
So, the EDL didn't reach Tower Hamlets and had a lower than expected turnout of only around 1200 attend their "big one" demo but, despite the UAF/SWP's bragging it was hardly a great day for Antifascists either. Battle of Cable Street this wasn't...Scapegoating poor travellers whilst bailing out bankers is Tryanny not democracy
03-09-2011 18:24
Blagger Ball leader of Basildon council& Eric Pickles are desperately trying to keep the masses happy by latching onto a campaign of hate by a largely priviliged minority. Meanwhile local primary schools playing fields are sold off for tory gerrymanders to help pay bankers, services are cut,ex visteon workers nearby are on the dole& Basildon golf course staff are sacked is over council& landfill deals.Bizarelly it is nearby Kent county council, which is Tory showing a way out,with eviction costs there down80% since sites were sanctioned
TeaMp0isoN expose the EDL leadership!
03-09-2011 17:37
TeaMp0isoN expose the EDL leadershipWebsite leaks claimed list of EDL mobile numbers
03-09-2011 14:30
According to
RMT against the EDL
02-09-2011 16:14
The RMT (the Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers Union) has threatened industrial action if the EDL try to use public transport to gather people for their demo in Tower Hamlets tomorrow. This has forced the EDL to change plans yet again to the point where none of their own followers has a clue what's going on tomorrow. A shambles :DTower Hamlets: more info and template email to meeting point pubs
02-09-2011 15:26
The EDL are marching in tower hamlets on saturday in a move to deliberately provoke racial disturbances in the east end of london. Various counter-demonstrations and antifascist action will be taking place. The purpose of this article is to spread the information that is being gathered, and to provide readers with a list of contact details for pubs the EDL will be using to 'muster', and a template email you can send them. Action will be fast on the day but there are several small things you can do in advance to help fuck them over and undermine their disgusting white man's street-fighting march.For Whose Benefit? by Sean Cregan
02-09-2011 11:24
Antifascist Prisoner Sean Cregan takes a look at benefits culture.