UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
OKANA substitution programs in Greece in danger
12-04-2013 11:45
OKANA is the methadone program in greece.It cares for 8.500 drug addicts and there are another 100.000 waiting to get in.The goverment and the German -European occupation army,wants this program stopped.Refugee solidarity demonstration in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk (ger)
09-04-2013 22:19

UKIP poster subvertised
09-04-2013 11:47

Anti-fascist Pavel Krivonosov from Nizhni Novgorod needs help!
08-04-2013 13:05

State Funeral for Margaret Thatcher?
08-04-2013 12:20

Should tax-payers be forced to pay for such an insult?
Nazi "Infidels" to march on Brighton, 21st April 2013
07-04-2013 01:17

Golden Dawn thrown into the sea by Anarchists
06-04-2013 23:02
Golden Dawn get drunk, make Nazi salutes, attack immigrants & locals, then get thrown into the sea by AnarchistsHistory of London's first African mayor John Archer told in his Battersea turf
04-04-2013 08:39

EDL In Plymouth 13th April
03-04-2013 19:47
Info about EDL in Plymouth 13/04/13David Parry: Neo-Fascist!
03-04-2013 16:18
David William Parry is a man on the rise in the London Heathen community. Parry has made a name for himself as a Heathen Priest of Nerthus, a poet, and a playwright. Most well-known for organizing the London Thing in 2012 which was attended and blessed by Freya Aswynn, Parry is growing increasingly active and visible. By all appearances he is a man who should be welcomed. He is educated, an artist, and runs a play company. Only on further examination does the real David Parry come to light.Gearing Up For March For England In Brighton
29-03-2013 14:33
Here is the link to some of the latest info on the March For England and their fascist mates coming back to Brighton, Along with contact details for stopMFEUKBA band playing gig in Cardiff on Saturday
29-03-2013 09:18
The band "SOLUTIONS" has at least one member of staff in the enforcement division of the UK Border Agency in Cardiff. This video shows lead singer and guitarist "Nicky Anthony Williams" at work on a dawn raid:
New British Union - contact your local fascist today
27-03-2013 21:17
The New British Union (NBU) is a fascist cult led by BNP reject Gary Raikes. They view themselves as a revival of Mosley's British Union, dreaming of thousands of blackshirts marching through the streets. In reality they're barely more than a few easily led fools and some school kids that Gary has been grooming, but they're still fascists who think they can organise openly and as such it seems sensible to cast a wary eye in their direction.Recently the NBU kindly posted contact details for their 'District Officers'. Here's a wee bit more info on a few of them.
Call out against the EDL Infidels in Sunderland March 30th
26-03-2013 23:28
This is a leaflet produced by North East Anti Fascists for use in Sunderland and beyond to mobilise against the far right.Amnesty International Launches Online Campaign for the Angola 3's Albert Woodfox
12-03-2013 19:10

NF & KKK lynched black people in effigy in Swansea
11-03-2013 04:00

e day Hassanat Aliyu and her daughters deported late Saturday night
11-03-2013 01:11

‘My children do not know where they are, we can’t stay in Nigeria. Why has the British government treated us like this?’ Hassanat speaking from Nigeria.
Protest on International Women's Day against the deportation of Hassanat
08-03-2013 20:27