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OKANA substitution programs in Greece in danger

Gelosoil | 12.04.2013 11:45 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

OKANA is the methadone program in greece.It cares for 8.500 drug addicts and there are another 100.000 waiting to get in.The goverment and the German -European occupation army,wants this program stopped.

Today in Athens there is a demonstration against the cuts the goverment is proposing for the OKAN methadone program in Greece.
If the plan of the troika and the goverment passes,the programs that treat 8.500 persons,ex heroin addicts,will be forced to close.
In the words of one of the therapeutic personnel "there will not be enough money even just for the medicines required."
If the plans of the troika and the european bankers go ahead without obstruction ,soon the only help a heroin addict will have is from his dealer.Who coinsidently is the head of the police departement of the area.(this is not a fictional scenario,it is reality all around greece,policemen involved directly in the heroin trade)
Another issue would be the result this wil have on criminallity in the areas where the heroin addicts live,as they will be forced to go back to criminal acts in order to secure their dose..
An army without guns unleashed on the people.And of course this will raise the tensions and possibly give space to ideas like the one Savopoulos stated some months ago "lets send all junkies to a deserted island"...
Yes for those who havent heard it yet ,Greece is under occupation.We are prisoners of some neonazis ,a banker goverment,some corrupt politicians and the mafias of the policemen.This is what life in Greece really is today.Young people with no jobs or future.Hospitals closing down.people dying from lack of health care and food.
Yes i want to kill somebody tonight.i want to kill the banker tonight
my dreams is the only remedy.everything is going to be alright.
fuck them when ,where ,and which ever way you can.

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