UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Milan Italy 5 april 2009 Antifascists keep control
06-04-2009 19:41
The central square "piazza missori" [comparable for example with muntplein in amsterdam] for 6 hours completed isolated and surrounded by more than 1000 riot policemen: at the square fascists from whole europe -as france, italy, hungary, england, and so on- gathered for a meeting in Hotel Cavalieri [owned by a wellknown fascist]. There were just 200-300 of the scum...15th IMPUNIVERSARY to the French partners of the 1994 genocide.Join The Ceremony
06-04-2009 07:50

BNP deputy leader addresses international fascist rally
06-04-2009 01:23

Simon Darby claims he addressed a 400-strong audience in Milan today (5 April)
05-04-2009 08:36
to the French partners of the 1994 genocide
Sri Lanka: Killings, Concentration Camps and International Silence
04-04-2009 18:31
What is happening right now in Sri. Lanka, and what is being so effectively hidden from public scrutiny, is a brazen, openly racist war. The world must step in. Now. Before it's too late!9/11: Time for a Second Look by Prof. David Ray Griffin
04-04-2009 12:22

BNP's Lie Lorry comes to Lancaster (but not for long)
04-04-2009 00:18
(Reader report)Bournemouth Anti-Fascist Network-Up, running, and ready for action
03-04-2009 12:16
The Bournemouth Anti-Fascist Network is proud to announce its formation.Ludlam and the Greens asked to clarify Senate Inquiry into Australia’s Judicial
02-04-2009 23:47
Ludlam and the Greens asked to clarify Senate Inquiry into Australia’s Judicial System, the Role of Judges and Access to Justice(Submission) also seeks that the Parliament strengthen the legal intruments that have served to strengthen western democracy and John Howard's Australian way of life, nanmely Mandamus and Habeas Corpeus, the rule of law. Should that way of life be under the White Australia policy then the Australian Parliament must clarify that ! A judicial void is now created by the appointment of Chief Justice French, and the decisions of Hayne, Gummow and Crennan JJ.
Demonstrate at Communications House Tuesday 7 April
02-04-2009 22:39
EC1 and the City of London are the location of demonstrations all this week - outside the banks and all over the 'square mile' of Britain's finance capital on Wednesday and Thursday; outside Willes building in support of the sacked cleaners on Friday... and the struggle will continue on Tuesday outside Communications HouseAfrican Liberation Day events unite worldwide movement of African resistance
01-04-2009 15:44
With the theme of “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunited by Revolutionary Resistance!” African Liberation Day events will be held simultaneously in Washington, DC and in Manchester, UK on May 22-24 by the African People’s Socialist Party, which leads the Uhuru Movement. The goal of the events is to build the African Socialist International, the organization working to unite and liberate Africa and African people everywhere.Palestine Today 033109
31-03-2009 17:16

Direct Action Germany: 18th-29th March
31-03-2009 16:13

26/03/2009 - Two Thor Steinar shops attacked simultaneously (Berlin)
21-22/03/2009 - Attacks against Siemens and a cleaning company (Berlin)
20/03/2009 - Car burned on the worker's parking place of the JSA Plötzensee (prison) (Berlin)
18/03/2009 - Autonome storm the stand of the German-Nationalists (Freiburg)
18/03/2009 - Three vans of DHL torched (Karlsruhe)
Palestine Today 033009
30-03-2009 15:53

Foot in mouth disease rampant in BNP
29-03-2009 23:12
A recent report on protests against the BNP in Sutton mentioned some rather strange quotes from a prospective MEP. Lewis Allsebrook, who is currently a local councillor for the BNP in Heanor West, is 4th on their East Midlands list of candidates for the European elections and would "revel at causing some havoc" if he were to get to Brussels. He also thinks the Church of England's teachings of the Bible are "normally twisted and evil" and that there is a "ring of darkness around Nottingham" that Labour would call "Diversity"."Anti-fascist callout in Durham
29-03-2009 17:27
An urgent callout for action in and around Durham/Newcastle/Teesside, in response to recent BNP/NF activity.Gordon Brown spokesman replies about Gaza assault.
29-03-2009 02:56

March 30th Global Day of Action to Boycott Israeli goods
28-03-2009 16:37
Everyone is urged to support the Global Day of Action on Monday 30th March by contacting Tescos and Waitrose Customer Services to complain about their practice of selling goods grown on Illegal Israeli settlements and misleadingly labelling some of these goods “West Bank”Tescos 0800 505 555

Waitrose 0800 188 881

BNP in Sutton last night
26-03-2009 22:53
Last night about 50 people from East Midlands Unite Against Fascism, Mansfield and Nottingham Trades Council, Stop the BNP, UNISON, GMB, Unite and others protested in Sutton in Ashfield.Anti BNP Demonstration - Sutton In Ashfield - 25-03-09
25-03-2009 23:11