UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Protest at Yarl’s Wood Migrant Prison
25-03-2009 13:49

BNP Fundraiser Update
25-03-2009 09:19
There is a rumour that BNP have moved the location of tonight's fundraiser from Sutton.Stop the BNP Fundraiser Today!
25-03-2009 00:18
17.30 Nottingham Station18.30 Sutton Parkway Station
19.00 Sutton ASDA, by the Council offices
Phone/Text 07932 417 506
Extreme Rightism Among German Students (Trans)
24-03-2009 00:22
I am a teacher in a technical high school in the northern edge of region of Ruhr. Our school at the present has about 500 students, of which about 40% are immigrants. The recent study [exposing right wing tendencies in schools] captures relatively well what I have been noticing for years. The gulf between children of German background and immigrants is not shrinking; rather, it’s growing steadily, digging in deeper. More and more of those who once stood alongside each other now stand against one another. Racist ideas are spreading.Translation of Original Article

Tyneside Community Action for Refugees Fourth Speak-Out Against Racism
23-03-2009 23:37

In the Name of Iraq? Luton Protesters Are Out of Touch
23-03-2009 13:56
Many Arabs believe the group was even exploiting the Iraqi question to stir up racist divisionsYarl's Wood demo for an end to immigration detention / report
23-03-2009 12:07
Nearly 200 people gathered Saturday 21st March in Bedford town centre, than heading to Yarl's Wood immigration prison, demanding its closure. Yarl's Wood has 405 capacity and holds single women and families with children. The building of a new immigration prison, next to Yarl's Wood, has just been approved, to hold 500 single men.Join the BNP fund-raiser demo at Laindon
23-03-2009 01:55
Protest against the BNPStop the BNP Fundraiser this Wednesday 25 March!
21-03-2009 16:37
The nazi British National Party (BNP) want to hold a fundraising “event” in Sutton in Ashfield. They want to raise money for their European Election campaign this year by having an evening of speeches fron BNP Furher Nick Girffin and “light and sound effects plus cinema-graphics”. Who writes this stuff?!Cop Steve Bettley from the BNP membership list is sacked
21-03-2009 15:17

Police attack protesters at Philly city hall
21-03-2009 04:05
PHILADELPHIA, PA — On Wednesday, March 19, 2009, police attacked members of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) in the gallery of the City Council during the City Council session where Mayor Nutter was announcing his 2010 budget.Direct Action Germany: 11-15th March
20-03-2009 16:25

13/03/2009 - Arson attack on a vehicle of the german army (Berlin)
12/03/2009 - Windows of a Sparkasse smashed (Berlin)
12/03/2009 - 5 vehicles of the post burned down (Hamburg)
11/03/2009 - Color against the NPD's national center (Berlin)
11/03/2009 - Attack on the car of the project leader of the Frankfurt's airport (Frankfurt)
11/03/2009 - Color and stones against Carlofts (Berlin)
London antidiscriminatory groups action at Lithuanian Embassy
20-03-2009 12:43

BNP Roadshow in Exeter Tomorrow: Protests Expected...
19-03-2009 23:50

English Nationalists and Fascists to march in Leicester
19-03-2009 23:13

While the organisers are insistent that the "demo is not connected to any political party," it is prominently promoted on the websites of both the England First Party, a BNP-splinter group, and the openly-fascist National Front. Something which you might hope the organisers would be concerned about.
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Islamophobia and the Jailing of Hicham Yezza
19-03-2009 13:44
In May 2008 Hicham Yezza, an IT technician at the University of Nottingham, was arrested, together with student Rizwaan Sabir, in a well-publicised anti-terrorist swoop. They had downloaded al-Qaida material from the US Department of Defense website as part of Sabir's academic work on terrorism.Palestine Solidarity Initiative Hails Application Fee Victory
18-03-2009 12:10
The Palestine Solidarity Initiative has hailed the School's decision to waive application fees for applicants applying to the School who live under Israeli Occupation. London School of Economics students ended a week-long theatre occupation in January after the School's administration agreed to their demands in full.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Divide and Rule - "Who Cares for the White Working Class?"
17-03-2009 20:52
The Runymede Trust had just published a collection of essays, about the renewed conversation about class in the media :“Who Cares for the White Working Class?”
Over it’s eight essays, it shows how good old divide and rule tactics are still being used by the ruling classes and their acolytes to unfortunate good effect.
IOM - Complicit in Murder?
17-03-2009 20:48
Adam Osman Mohammed, 32, was gunned down in his home in front of his wife and four-year-old son just days after arriving in his village in south Darfur, having just returned from Britain via the IOM's "voluntary" return scheme.