UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Increasing concern & outrage at apparent police "shoot to kill" policy
22-07-2005 22:26
The cold-blooded, apparently racist murder, of a young Asian man today by undercover police/security agents is outrageous & a frightening development and a dark day for civil rights & democracy in Britain.Part2 of "Make Poverty History" Pictures
22-07-2005 22:22

Part 1 under:

Peaceful nomads of Sarawak need support fast!
22-07-2005 18:53
The Penan tribe of Sarawak, Borneo, are under threat from big business once again. They have been struggling for their land and human rights for years now but their protests continue to be ignored. They need international pressure to be applied on the authorities.Liverpool UNISON healthworker and her husband fight deportation to Afghanistan
21-07-2005 09:17
Heather Bullen, a British citizen and UNISON health worker, and her Afghan husband Shah have launched a campaign to stay in Britain. Although they are happily married and settled, the Home Office have refused to grant permission for Shah to stay in the UK. They plan to send him back to Afghanistan where he could face persecution and danger. A hearing is set for 9 August.I Live In Hope !
20-07-2005 12:30
Just something that I live in hope of seeing as I'm sure a lot of others do s well !peace.
Hands of my Islam, Mr Blair
19-07-2005 18:10
Muslims condemn violence against innocents, which is why so many of us feel as much anger towards Blair as we do towards the London bombers. And the trail of blood on both counts leads back to 10 Downing Street.Der Fuhrer ist kaput!!!
19-07-2005 16:13
John Tyndall has died at the age of 72Good news?? John Tyndall reported dead
19-07-2005 14:24
Ex-BNP leader John Tyndall reported deadReport by an ISM volunteer in Qalqilia
19-07-2005 10:38
Here's a report I've been sent by a friend who is taking part in solidarity work in the occupied Palestinian territories, against the building of the 'security fence' AKA apartheid wall.Ex-ambassador Craig Murray on Iraq and the London bombings
19-07-2005 09:46
"It is a foreign policy of oil grab cloaked in hypocrisy, and the impact of that policy on Muslims, that has caused this hate."Baxter visit convinces Burke of need for royal commission
19-07-2005 01:11

NF tossers hold shit demo.
18-07-2005 21:28

18-07-2005 14:20

Report of vigil for London bomb victims in Edinburgh
18-07-2005 11:11

Portraits from vigil Russell Square Sunday 17th July
18-07-2005 10:49
Portratis from vigil, Russell Square, Sunday 17th July
18-07-2005 10:14

"Make Borders History" - Noborder Tour of Glasgow, 3rd of July
17-07-2005 14:31

A view on the London bombings
17-07-2005 11:50