UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
[choucha] refugee protests in tunisia
28-01-2013 11:41

About 100 rejected asylum seekers from the refugee camp in Choucha are currently protesting in the Tunisian capital.
EVF are a bunch of dafties
24-01-2013 10:11

Infidels charged with attack on anti fascists
23-01-2013 17:31

Progressives Are Not Being Honest About Gun Control
22-01-2013 21:50
Few things are more dangerous to a nation’s citizenry than when its leaders decide to turn on their own or selected groupings of their own people (and Jewish people should especially understand this). Tyrannical governments should be feared far more than various types of weapons—especially when tyrants have no or few restrictions on their own selection of weapons. The progressive idea of the 2nd Amendment was the notion that common people can have the right to defend themselves against tyrannical governments (including and especially when their own choose to turn on them—which has happened all throughout history). THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND ITS CURRENT DYSFUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH ISRAEL DOES NOT WARRANT TRUST ENOUGH FOR THE AMERICAN CITIZENRY TO HANDOVER GUNS TO THIS CORRUPTED STATUS QUO.Banner drop in solidarity to social struggles against fascism in Greece- Bristol
20-01-2013 17:22
Banner drop in solidarity to social struggles against fascism in Greece- Bristol"I'm not a fascist ..I'm a Nazi!"
19-01-2013 19:26
Golden shower as British far-right turn in another piss-poor performance at the Greek Embassy.Full article with links -

Portraits of Brit Nazis - approx 12 support Golden Dawn today - can you ID them?
19-01-2013 15:12

EDL Outnumbered By Trees In Solihull - #edl @AntiFascistNetw
13-01-2013 02:54

Syrian Army hits gunmen around Syria
11-01-2013 16:02
The Syrian Air force and artillery have targeted several dens of Free Army militia in several areas in Damascus countryside, Aleppo countryside and Edlib countryside, causing large losses of the gunmen and the destruction of their vehicles. Our correspondent in Damascus Countryside confirmed that more than 50 insurgents got killed in targeting their dens by the Syrian Arab Army in Saqba, Duma, al-Sheifounia, Duma and Marj al-Sultan, where other militants were killed during clashing with the Syrian Army units in Zamalka, al-Ziabia and Hijjira.BNP to hold Day of Action in Skegness
09-01-2013 16:55
Lincolnshire Coastal branch of the BNP have announced that they will be holding a "Day of Action" against the Skegness halal abattoir this weekend. They are meeting at 11.30am on Saturday 12th and advise interested parties to call 0771 4009285 to receive re direction point details.
Can of Worms Opened: The EDL Conspiracy Theories Start Here
08-01-2013 05:04

Fuck Off Golden Dawn
07-01-2013 19:48

Anyone reading this will already be aware of the situation in Greece with the classic fascist party ‘Golden Dawn’ getting around 10% of the vote, whilst antifascists are being repressed by the police (40% of cops admitted voting for Golden Dawn). There have been instances of militant antifascism with Golden Dawn offices being burnt down and gangs of antifa on motorbikes patrolling Athens in the evenings.
Mr Tommy Guilty (Again).
07-01-2013 14:13
Tommy Robinson's been a right muggy mushroom hasn't he!Anti-fascists of Kazan, Russia need solidarity!
06-01-2013 17:10

Full article | 3 additions | 6 comments
19Jan-Antifascist demos at the Greek embassies everywhere!
06-01-2013 12:00

EDL and NWI Will Come To Blows In Manchester #edl #nwi
03-01-2013 01:48

Leeds EDL Organiser Dreams of A Final Solution
25-12-2012 00:12

Kevin's Krismas Karol!
24-12-2012 10:29
2012 was a good year for anti-fascists, not so for the far right! Read all abaht it!Barnardos shop locked shut in Oxford
22-12-2012 10:51
This morning the doors of the barnardos shop in East Oxford seemed to have been locked shut.African People's Solidarity Committee to hold International Conference
21-12-2012 03:05

Uhuru House, 1245 18th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 on January 6–8, 2013.