UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
URGENT - Phone Blockade of Royal Jordanian started!
31-01-2014 11:28

Fascist Unity meeting this Saturday
29-01-2014 11:26
Fascists meeting Saturday Southend on Sea, EssexThe Greek state murders, Europe consents
25-01-2014 14:47

"Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot
23-01-2014 13:59

At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.
10 Days till Slough!
22-01-2014 23:46

Met Police stoop to using violence against women!
22-01-2014 02:13

Geneva II – Washington’s Plan B for regime change in Syria
21-01-2014 18:35

The fatal problem with the Geneva II negotiations on Syria, due to open next week in Switzerland, is that the process is furtively being treated by the US and its allies as a lever for regime change. It is their Plan B for regime change, where Plan A is the failed covert military tactic. That does not bode well for a successful, that is sustainable, settlement to a crisis that is nearly three years old with well over 100,000 deaths and nine million people – more than a third of the total population – displaced from their homes. It amounts to an illegal interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, and as such is doomed to fail.
11th Hour Appeal against unjust execution
20-01-2014 16:58

this is an urgent appeal for all anti-death penalty activists and those who care about justice, to take action against an atrocious miscarriage of justice in the United Arab Emirates. A Sri Lankan National will be taken before the firing squad tomorrow morning (January 21) over the accidental death of a man who tried to rape him. The deceased's family refuses to renounce retaliation just to cover up the shame of the events which led up to the fatal incident.
2013 Fascist Roundup
18-01-2014 10:39
The fascists are starting 2014 in a grim place. Tommy Robinson’s desertion of the EDL has left the organisation in a shambles which barely managed to get 200 members to the organisation’s latest national demo in Exeter. EDL members are now outnumbered many times over by antifascists at their demos. As if this woeful state of affairs wasn’t enough, 32 EDL activists were recently jailed for a total of more than 55 years for their involvement in violent disorder at the EDL’s Walsall demonstration. Among those sentenced were Kirk Jones (33 months), Mick Thomas (28 months) and Christopher Boyall (24 months) from Leicestershire and Kirk Reeves from Derbyshire (18 months). They will join the vast majority of the North West Infidels who are already serving time for violent disorder and former EDL leader, Guramit Singh, who will be serving 6 1/2 years for the attempted robbery of a Hucknall garden centre.
Phone Blockade about to start - help stop deportation of Emily Mei Yeh
17-01-2014 09:39

Mark Duggan - my report on yesterday's vigil in Tottenham
12-01-2014 19:33

Dutch police officer, who shot Rishi Chandrikasing, acquitted/Licence to kill
11-01-2014 02:36
The acquittal of the Dutch police officer, who shot unarmed Rishi Chandrikasing, a Dutchcitizen of colour, is an absolute scandal. Cop claimed self defence, while Rishi was running away,
didn't try to reanimate him [he was living after hit by the bullet] and shot when moving [against police
instruction]. But it fits a long tradition of Dutch police violence, racist or other.
A broad protest in society is necessary. No Justice, no peace!
Urgent - Please contact British Airways to stop Osama's forced removal to Libya.
10-01-2014 23:49
We are calling on people to help us prevent the forced removal of our friend Osama to Libya on the British Airways flight number BA898 at 9.20am on Sunday 12th January.For more information:

Mark Duggan murder: How the establishment did cover up a political killing?
09-01-2014 08:48

The Judge improperly -directed- the Inquest Jury, over what could be called evidence, and the Duggans' lawyers, did not properly challenge that.
Ultimately if the Duggan family had proper legal representation, a European Court ruling, would lead to the proper verdict of unlawful killing.
The Myth of Turkish Secularism
08-01-2014 19:13