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UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive

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October 7 - Migrant Actions in Hamburg

07-10-2006 19:35

Short Report about the Northern German Demonstration on the 7th of October in Hamburg

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Vienna Oct 7 March

07-10-2006 15:17

A relatively big march took place in Vienna today as part of the Oct 7 actions against migration controls [call]. It followed 2 other smaller actions in the city centre today (see report in German). Bellow is a timeline of the events.

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Britain: Jack Straw’s anti-Muslim provocation

07-10-2006 13:23

Attempts to whip up anti-Muslim prejudice
These considerations are what shapes his own intervention and animate the new-found preoccupation of a host of former liberals and social democrats with the oppression of women by Islam—figures who one must anticipate will now come forward in Straw’s defence In contrast, working people must oppose all such attempts to whip up anti-Muslim prejudice and any and all proposals to curtail religious and civil liberties. This is an essential component of the struggle against militarism and war.

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"The Government has Arab Legitimacy "

07-10-2006 11:10

"We were elected for the resistance platform we presented to the Palestinian people, we did not come with tanks, or with the coalition of Israel and the USA."

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Demo at Detention Center in Bologna, Italy, 6 october.

06-10-2006 22:33

Bologna, Italy, 6 october.

In Bologna,today a large delegation of anti-racist and autonomous activists from social centers TPO and Crash waited several hours outside of the detention center (CPT) of the city for the Ministerial Commision led by UN ambassador De Mistura and made up of representative of various Italian NGOs and associations (Anci; Caritas;ACLI; FCEI; ARCI; ASGI; CIR) that are working with the ministry of internal affairs, to study and report on the conditions of the detention centers.

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Police recover largest haul of bomb making chemicals

06-10-2006 20:11

Unfortunately I can believe this.
What "police are believed to be the largest haul ever found [of bomb making chemicals] at a house in this country" seems to have had no space at all on mainstream media other than on this local paper.
Easy to see the difference with recently media hyped police operations. No middle eastern people this time but 2 surely white Brits with established BNP connections.

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BNP bombs

06-10-2006 19:48

A terror raid that doesn't make the headlines - despite chemical explosives and a rocket launcher online only

Here's a police seizure of weapons that wasn’t splashed all over the front pages.

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This Week In Palestine

06-10-2006 18:50

This Week in Palestine, service of the International Middle East Media Center for September 29 through to October 5, 2006.

The Israeli army kills eight Palestinians including three children, while Palestinian factions confront each other on the streets and twelve die, as the formation of a national unity government faces serious difficulties. These stories and more, coming up. Stay tuned.

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Protest Against Custody Deaths! London Sat 28th Oct

06-10-2006 16:09

The Flyer -- downloadable pdf available.
Sat 28th will see the 8th annual protest march against death in custody, in prisons and mental health institutions by the United Families and Friends Campaign (UFFC). Last year it was attended by about 150 persons, i.e. literally the relatives and friends of some of the victims. So would be nice if this year some more people could be bothered showing up ...

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Palestine Today

05-10-2006 17:28

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Thursday October 5th, 2006.

Three are killed and one dies of wounds sustained earlier this week in the Gaza Strip while in the West Bank the army invades several cities, injures one resident and takes prisoners. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

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Windsor unrest: Blair must speak and so must David Cameron

05-10-2006 13:48

Today's London Times website is carrying this itemabout Windsor,,2-2390168,00.html
Time for Tony Blair to speak urgently explaining his legacy.

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Immigration Removal Centres (£1,230 per week, per detainee)

05-10-2006 11:55

How much does it costs to keep an innocent man, woman or child locked up?

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ARC's Ceremony in Birmingham on Oct 7

04-10-2006 17:28

As part of the Transnational Day of Action Against Migration Control, Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign is planning an action on 7 October in Birmingham city centre, where we will hold a ceremony, with tombstones and a coffin, to acknowledge the destitution, detention and death of asylum seekers in this country and through this country's increasing deportation to other countries where imprisonment/death is imminent.

Meet at Chamberlain Square at 1:30 on 7 October.

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Glasgow - Asylum Seeker Action Prevents Removal

04-10-2006 17:10

Swift action and a balcony protest prevented the Home Office from detaining a family in Cardonald this morning. After a 5 hour balcony protest, Cem Coban was taken from the flat by Police officers. The families outside blocked the van from leaving.

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Palestine Today

04-10-2006 16:59

Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre for Wednesday October 4th, 2006.

An Israeli air strike wounds five Palestinians in northern Gaza, Hamas leader is assassinated near Qalqilia, and a Palestinian worker is murdered by Israeli police in Jaffa. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

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Solidarity with asylum seekers in London

04-10-2006 10:53

People from Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, Africans Getting Involved and the Kanyama Must Stay Campaign demonstrated outside Communications House on Tuesday 4 October.

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Boris Johnson highlights the abysmal ignorance of the Cameron band: switch it of

04-10-2006 09:35

"Supposing Tower Hamlets or parts of Bradford were to become governed by religious zealots believing in that system. Are we ready for complete local autonomy if it means sharia law?"

as Boris Johnson is quoted in the London daily Telegraph website Wednesday 4 October 2006-10-04

What evidence has Boris Johnson to base that supposition on?
Why does he talk about Sharia law and Tower Hamlets and Bradford?
Why doesn't he talk about other religions? What religious beliefs and views do the local councillors in the rest of the UK belong to? Have their respective religious beliefs led to those councils being undesirably subjected to the policies prompted by those religious beliefs?
And a million other questions.

It seems that Boris Johnson is not alone in this ignorance about the world today.

The curious thing is: how do so many ignorant people get to become MPs

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Call for cyberspace protest against 'Redwatch'

04-10-2006 08:33

Direct action needs to be taken against right-wing extremist website 'Redwatch'.

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"Appalling" Yarl's Wood report published today

04-10-2006 07:28

Medical Justice response to the publication on the 4th October of the "Inquiry into the quality of healthcare at Yarl's Wood immigration removal centre" by HM Inspector of Prisons.

Press Conference
12.00 noon Wednesday 4th October
Outside the Home Office - 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF

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Crossing Borders- A new Transnational Newsletter Project

03-10-2006 23:48

The first edition of Crossing Borders is now published to coincide with the October 7th Day of Action For Migrants & Refugees. At the moment 'Crossing Borders' is available in 5 different languages, though we hope to have more soon. To get the newsletter, got to
download the .pdf files from the links on the page and print them out.