UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
NO2ID's racist problem
20-11-2008 13:18
My wife is American and with the new laws coming soon she will need an ID card, we were concerned about this, so I recently started looking to see what was happening to oppose this. I have been concerned by what I have found.The masters of economic disaster are back
20-11-2008 08:56

president-elect was to select as his chief of staff Rep. Rahm Emanuel, whose
"role as Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was to
insure that anti-war and other progressive candidates stayed out of the
running." So when do the protests begin? "Progressives for Obama and other
groups who promised to hold their idol accountable haven't gotten around to
doing so just yet or even announcing when the time will be right for their
tongues to become untied."
Somalia: The Specter of Detrimental Trusteeship
20-11-2008 08:14

United States, is now to be reduced to a "trusteeship" of Addis Ababa, the
aggressor. "This is a case of putting the fox in charge of the barn so that
he may teach the chicken how to function in an orderly manner!" Those
Somalis that choose to recognize Ethiopia's authority will be targeted by
the resistance, deepening conflicts in that wounded society. That may be
Ethiopia's intention. "Ethiopia is set to discredit any vestige of
nationalist leadership and to spread violence and hate."
BNP membership list claims first blood
19-11-2008 16:35
One down - lots to goCountry Guidance on DRC - appeal heard today
19-11-2008 14:51
The Country Guidance case (BK) appeal hearing took place today at the High Court.Around 300 people from Notts on BNP membership list
19-11-2008 13:59
According to the Evening Post nearly 300 people from Notts are on the BNP Membership List that was leaked yesterday.British National Party (BNP) membership list leak, personal privacy...
19-11-2008 13:39
First a little background for those not in the UK. The British National Party (BNP) is a fringe political party in the UK with a view to the extreme far right. According to their own constitution the BNP is "committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948." - they are generally regarded as a racist bunch of thugs - mainly due to documentaries which have exposed many of their members as thugs who are racist.Death in Custody Protest London Sat 22. Nov
19-11-2008 03:45
This is the annual ‘Justice for Ricky Bishop March’ but this year it’s been extended to include the demand to end all forms of violence against our community, and so the route of the march has also been extended.Starting at 1:00 PM Brixton Library (near Ritzy cinema), marching to Brixton Police Station -> Coldharbour Lane -> Camberwell Green -> Peckham Square.
Wikileaks publish BNP membership list just as blog deleted!
19-11-2008 01:26
The main list which was found at
Call out for day of action: Shut Down BMI Airlines- 20th Nov
18-11-2008 20:18
A call out for a national day of action to demonstrate against BMI Airlines' participation in the forced removal if migrants from the UKBNP Membership List Leaked
18-11-2008 18:06
The full BNP Membership List has been leaked online to an anonymous blog.Woolas fuck off
18-11-2008 12:54
In an interview with the Guardian, Border and Immigration minister Phil Woolas has accused the many volunteers, NGO workers and human rights lawyers who work for asylum charities as "an industry with a vested interest". He even asserts that immigration lawyers are undermining the law and are "playing the system".France pulls out from mass deportation to Afghanistan on joint charter flight
18-11-2008 12:13
...But the flight will still go ahead this evening for the Afghanis detained in UK, currently held in Colnbrook deportation centre.Demonstrate: No Deportations to DR Congo
18-11-2008 10:14
19th to 20th November 2008 there will be a Country Guidance case aiming to show that 'failed' asylum seekers who are returned to the DRC are at serious risk of ill-treatment, imprisonment, torture and forced disappearance. Strong evidence of this is already lodged with the Home Office. We therefore urge the Home Office to HALT all deportations of failed asylum seekers to a deadly regime of the DR Congo.Palestine Today 111708
17-11-2008 16:29

Over 200 protest against BNP conference
17-11-2008 00:55
Report on Saturday's demo at the New Kimberley Hotel, BlackpoolRemembrance Day Blues For Norfolk BNP
16-11-2008 11:58