UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Demonstration At Dallas Court--All Communities togather
08-04-2007 20:14

Beyond the Power
08-04-2007 11:24
The Register carried an unusually gung-ho article yesterday about the US upgrading it's submarine base at Diego Garcia. Despite salivating over the military hardware and name dropping everyone from James Bond to the SBS, it was left to someone in the comments section to point out that the island was shamefully stolen from it's inhabitants by the British.Defend Halima and 1 year old Bailey Jr! - Wednesday 11th April
07-04-2007 02:37

African Reparations Tribunal Pledge Drive Halfway to Goal
06-04-2007 18:06
On April 1, the Uhuru African Liberation Solidarity Campaign (Uhuru ALSC) announced a pledge drive to raise €10,000 Euro (or about 7,600 GBP) by April 9th in support of the International Tribunal on Reparations for Afrikan People (ITRAP).Mother of imprisoned youth Shaquanda Cotton on Uhuru Radio Sunday
05-04-2007 21:51

Fire set to new monument of racist, antisemitic Polish pre-war politician
05-04-2007 19:38
What I have found today in the Net, on Polish Indymedia.One remark- the clerical fascist mentioned in the movie STILL IS the Minister of Education of this far away country. The Monument mentioned in the movie is the monument of Roman Dmowski, Polish pre-war Neonazi politician known for his rampant racism and antisemitism, a monument that recently was erected by Polish Neonazi government.
Coward Of Oz Bans Bilal Philips And Yvonne Ridley
05-04-2007 11:15
Ridley, who was a senior reporter for Britian's Sunday Express, converted to Islam three years after she was captured by the Taliban while on an undercover assignment for the newspaper in 2001.MG articles nominated for European award
04-04-2007 18:11
European Commission commends articles defending human rights and democracy for MuslimsEmbattled Historian Abandons Israel For Britain
04-04-2007 03:49
The Zionists' Brownshirts have succeeded in driving away another Academic who dares to speak the truth about Israel's history. It's sad that so many Israelis of consience have chosen to leave the country, rather than stay and fight for the change that is vitally needed. This only ensures that those who remain are left defenseless against an increasingly-radical, ill-informed, violent majority.ESOL - Demonstration - 21 April - Sheffield
03-04-2007 14:50

Sheffield Save ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) protest march, Devonshire Green, 10:30am, 21st April 2007.
Demonstrate outside Home Office, Liverpool, 4 April, 2pm.
03-04-2007 13:03
Protest outside racist Home Office. Stop 'failing asylum seekers!No deportations to DRC. Demonstrate 12/04/07
03-04-2007 12:44
Thursday12th April 2007 outside the immigration reporting centre, Sandford House, 41
Homer Road, Solihull B91 3QJ. 12h00pm.
Blockading Agrexco UK Is Legal Say Met Police
02-04-2007 14:37
Agrexco UK Valentines Blockade Case Dropped by Met PoliceIsraeli War Criminals Cornered as Blockade of Israeli export company is deemed legal by Met police.
2 April 2007
Important upoming rally: Free Mumia now!
02-04-2007 14:09

Free Mumia Now!
Abolish the racist death penalty!
Rally, sponsored by the Partisan Defence Committee
Saturday 5 May, 1 pm
University of London Union, Room 3C&D,
Malet Street, London WC1
Speakers include Rachel Wolkenstein, Partisan Defense Committee (US) counsel and former member of Mumia's legal team; trade union and other speakers to be announced
Mumia's life is in danger - mobilise now!
Stop Deportations of Darfurians! Stop All Deportations!
02-04-2007 13:49
Called by the Darfurian Community in ManchesterDemonstration: Thursday 5th April at 12:00 noon
Dallas Court Enforcement Unit, South Longworthy Road, Salford Quays, Salford M50 2GF
Congolese, Zimbabwean, Iraqi, Afghan, Somali asylum seekers of other nationalities stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Sudanese, the latest targets of the Home Office's most shameful, vile attacks.
Stop new Gatwick detention centre being built-demo on the 21st of April
02-04-2007 10:20
Call out for a demo and an action day on Saturday on the 21st of April 2007 against the Gatwick detention centre being built.UN Rapporteur compares Israel to Apartheid South Africa
02-04-2007 01:24
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel ConflictPublished by
Jews for Justice in the Middle East
As the periodic bloodshed continues in the Middle East, the search for an equitable solution must come to grips with the root cause of the conflict. The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational "terrorists" who have no point of view worth listening to. Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes—on both sides—inevitably follow from this original injustice.

Zimbabwe’s Lonely Fight for Justice
01-04-2007 11:08
Left critics of Mugabe ape the argument of the US ambassador, adding that Mugabe’s anti-imperialist and leftist rhetoric is, in truth, insincere. He is actually right-wing and reactionary -- a master at talking left while walking right. But if Mugabe is really the crypto-reactionary, secret pro-imperialist some people say he is, why are the openly reactionary, pro-imperialists in Washington and London so agitated?Asylum Seekers Demonstrate on Tyneside as parliamentary committee issues report
31-03-2007 21:02

African reparations tribunal launches pledge drive
31-03-2007 19:40
Uhuru African Liberation Solidarity Campaign launches pledge drive to support the International Tribunal on Reparations for Afrikan People