UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Report on 10th Annual United Families & Friends Remembrance procession
26-10-2008 11:49
On Saturday 25th October 2008, the tenth annual United Families andFriends Remembrance procession took place, with several hundred people in
attendance, including many family members of those who have died in
suspicious circumstances in police custody, prison and 'secure' mental
health facilities.
The march made its way in silence down Whitehall to Downing Street where,
after the bouquets had been subjected to a police examination, family
members were allowed to come forward and fix them to the gates in front of
Downing St, where police had agreed they would be allowed to stay until
the end of the protest.
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United Families and Friends Campaign, London - pictures.
26-10-2008 11:42

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2nd Northern March Against Racism, Newcastle (25th Oct 08)
25-10-2008 23:19

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United Families and Friend March in London (23 Oct 2008)
25-10-2008 21:32

African Socialist International Builds in West Africa; Wins Int'l Support
25-10-2008 18:17
The first West Africa Regional Conference of the African Socialist International (ASI), held in Freetown-Sierra Leone from October 20-22, 2008 was attended by over 500 people each day, with roughly 80% of its participants less than 30 years old. It was also attended by international observers, including the Ambassador from Iran, who delivered a solidarity statement from that country.This Week in Palestine, Week 43
24-10-2008 17:33

Anti-racist march 25th October in Newcastle
24-10-2008 15:33
Demands: A Decent Life for All. No to divisions based on racism. Together we are stronger.Deaths in Custody: A Call for Solidarity for tomorrow 25.10.
24-10-2008 14:09
Every last Saturday in October, the friends and families of the victims gather for a protest march to Downing St 10. In addition, there's a press conference announced beforehand. Deaths in custody are still rampant, both by police and in prisons, and the new Counter Terrorism Bill won't change that for the better. As the ongoing Menezes inquiry shows, the persons responsible for the killings still go off scot free.IMC EXCLUSIVE Yasmin Alibhai-Brown delivers 2008 Benn Journalism lecture
24-10-2008 13:28

Solidarity with all workers.AMEY picket bristol.
23-10-2008 16:09
Yesterday about thirty people went to two offices on Victoria Street, Bristol show their support to sacked workers from Amey.See background story here

for the demonstration see

Palestine Today 102308
23-10-2008 16:07

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Thursday October 23, 2008
23-10-2008 15:44
On the 3rd and 4th of November, The french presidency of the European Union sets up a summit of all 27 european ministers of Justice and Interior on the initiative of the french minister of “Immigration, Integration, and National Identity”, Brice Hortefeux. They will provocatively gather in Vichy, the ex-capital of fascist France during World War II. There, they will solemnly discuss about the “integration” of migrant workers and the application of the famous "directive retour". We can easily imagine with what kind of heavy laugh the idea of such a provocation was born in the head of a minister – Brice Hortefeux - who is everywhere caricatured as a little nazi. Ha Ha Ha.United Families and Friends Remembrance Procession, Sat 25th Oct
23-10-2008 15:14
Saturday 25th October, Trafalgar Square,1pmPolice officer: I did recognise Menezes as terror suspect... NOT! - Police lies!
23-10-2008 14:36
A surveillance officer only saw Mr Menezes with a phone and a paper.A police officer has admitted changing his records to show he did not identify Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes as a failed suicide bomber.
Hip Hop Artists fighting back against the fascists
23-10-2008 06:57

Immigration Minister shows why we should join TCAR's March Against Racism on Sat
22-10-2008 21:57

Chagos Ethnic Cleansing; No Right to Return: Implementation of International Law
22-10-2008 13:35
Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes against Humanity justified by UK Regime and House of LordsPalestine Today 102008
21-10-2008 15:18

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday 21.2008
Crimethinc // Fashion Tips for the Brave - Important Bloc Fashion Tips!
21-10-2008 13:58

Why 3 out of 4 White Supremacists Support Barack Obama
21-10-2008 12:32
How do racists, anti-Semites and all-purpose hate-mongers view the possibility of America’s first black president? Not necessarily the way you think they would.