UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Poland: police raid on De Centrum squat
25-10-2005 19:17

Please watch Polish Indymedia and DeCentrum websites for
more info and please start telephone/fax/email pressure on
local authorities.
The Rahimi Family must stay
25-10-2005 15:19
Alireza and Zohrieh Rahimi and their 6 year old son Navid are an Iranian family facing deportation back to Iran where they believe they face imprisonment, torture and the possibility of execution should they return. To sign the petition against their deportation, follow the link at Asian Alliance condemns violence against women
25-10-2005 14:27
This statement was distributed by the South Asian Alliance at Saturday's demonstration.The South Asian Alliance is shocked by reports that a young 14 year Jamaican girl was allegedly gang raped by Asian youths in the Perry Bar area. This unconfirmed attack and the subsequent rumours that are going round have led to shops being closed, police being drafted into the area and increased tensions between African Caribbean and Asian Youths.
The South Asian Alliance calls on all sections of our community, both Asian and African Caribbean to come together and stop the situation from escalating and getting out of hand. We need to work together to establish the facts, at the same time we call on our youths to remain calm and exercise restraint.
Video Clip from Magical Mystery Tour
25-10-2005 13:32

Anti-fascist Benefit in Bradford
25-10-2005 11:22
November 11th 2005, 1in12 Club Bradford, 7pm.Riots in Lozells (Again)
24-10-2005 21:24

More journalists killed: Hotel Palestine in Baghdad attacked again
24-10-2005 16:57

The Palestine Hotel, which houses many foreign journalists in Iraq, was hit by two rockets and one car bomb Monday, causing considerable damage to rooms, Iraqi police said.
Reuters cameraman Taras Protsyuk and Spanish cameraman José Couso of Telecinco were killed by US soldiers in April 2003. Three other journalists were wounded in the attack. 100 journalists were in the Palestine Hotel when american troops attacked the Hotel.
2º congress of the african inmigration and the black communities
24-10-2005 13:01
2º congreso-celebración de el décimo aniversario de la a million men march, y 4 años de la conferencia de durban...New pamphlet: Beating Fascism: Anarchist anti-fascism in theory and practice
23-10-2005 17:53
"Beating Fascism" is a new compilation about anarchist anti-fascism. From the 'People's commandos' who fought against Mussolini's bootboys, through the Spanish Civil War, to the anti-fascist activists of the eighties, nineties and beyond who took up the challenge from a new crop of boneheads.Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Cambridge Evening News attack on Cambridge Unite Against Fascism
22-10-2005 19:05
Following an open letter to the Cambridge Evening News calling into question their 'Action On Travellers' campaign, the local paper has launched an attack on Cambridge Unite Against Fascism and its editor has written a remarkable e-mail.Anti-deportation march in Cardiff
22-10-2005 14:20

Family of Jean Charles de Menezes, lodge official complaint against Blair lies
22-10-2005 11:15

Sir Ian Blair head of the Metropolitan Police force also told several lies, and allowed these lies to circulate in the media. Ian Blair should resign or be sacked.
If the British public are to have any trust in the Police, the Police should not be run by a liar lacking integrity.
Maria Otone da Silva "I'm so sad about what has happened to my son but I feel the English people, everybody wants to have the truth" (Jean's Mother)
Political Prisoner Harold Thompson Attacked in Prison by nazis
22-10-2005 00:45
.Defend Eucharia and Timeyi Campaign - PUBLIC MEETING AGAINST ALL DEPORTATIONS!
21-10-2005 23:56
The Defend Eucharia and Timeyi Campaign (DETC) will be holding a public meeting on Tuesday 8th November 2005, at 7pm in St. George's Church, on Abbey Hey Lane, Abbey Hey in Gorton. Speaking will be members of the DETC, supporters and members of other campaigns!Second UAF demo called - Keighley, Sat 5 Nov
21-10-2005 14:34
Urgent news - second UAF demo called in Keighley on 5 Nov (instead of UAF Conference) - note this is as well as the 2 Nov demo in Leeds:No One is illegal - 29th Oct Tyneside Mobilisation
21-10-2005 10:16

Shoot-to-kill bluff
20-10-2005 23:44

Bereaved families hold 24-hour vigil in Whitehall
20-10-2005 23:28

Secret agents brief Bracks on 'seditious' protest
20-10-2005 14:39