UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Fake-church councillor switches from Tories to BNP
15-05-2006 03:13
Robert West jumps shipProtest against BNP 'councillor' at the first full meeting of Birmingham council
13-05-2006 16:46
Sharon Ebanks, the 'councillor' for Kingstanding, will be at the councils AGM on Tues 23rd May. So will anti-racist and anti-fascist protestors. Make your voice heard.Solidarity to the immigrants-asylum seekers in Nicosia
12-05-2006 16:05
March from Eleftheria Square to the Central Prisons Sat 11:00return of active news and info-verting at the rampART radio
11-05-2006 13:21

this is an autonomous action.
8 Gyptian homes at risk
11-05-2006 12:30
8 boats have been put on the land at the threatened boatyard in Jericho. Essential maintenance work is being carried out on them. Eviction may be on monday.see
The Daily News from Palestine
11-05-2006 07:03

Remember the Palestinian Nakba! End British support for Zionist terror!
10-05-2006 20:13
While imperialism acts with brutal hypocrisyagainst Palestinian democracy…
Israel continues to create facts on the ground.
The Intifada continues…
BNP laughing stock in capital
10-05-2006 18:44
Andrew Gilligan article, front cover Evening Standard"BNP CHIEF HAS SECRET PAST AS GAY PORN FILM PRODUCER"
Detainees response to House of Commons answers on detention hunger strikes
10-05-2006 16:34
from NCADCDetainees respond to Mr McNulty
Israelis Cut Off Fuel Supply to Palestinians
10-05-2006 16:18
The Israeli company that provides fuel to the Palestinian areas is cutting off supplies due to growing debts, Israeli and Palestinian officials said Wednesday, a move that could deepen a humanitarian crisis in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.Update on Colnbrook Hunger Strike - 10th May 2006
10-05-2006 09:19
Update on Colnbrook Hunger Strike - 10th May 2006Many individuals continue the hunger strike despite racial and sexual abuse, torture, solitary confinement and beatings at the hands of Home Office/ SERCO officers at Colnbrook.
Ahmadinejad's letter to Bush: full text
09-05-2006 19:08
Ahmadinejad's letter to Bush is the first direct contact between Iranian and US diplomatic hierarchies for about 30 years - in the letter, Ahmadinejad points out Bush and Western hypocrisies (inconsistent attitude towards nuclear weapons, invasion of Iraq, refusal to accept democratic choice of Palestinians for Hamas government), laments death of US troops in Iraq, protests lack of full enquiry into Sep 11 attacks, wasting of US taxpayers' money, and appeals to religious unity in favour of human rights.Pulitzer Prize for Holocaust Denier
09-05-2006 17:20
A Pulitzer Prize winner made the most disgusting remark ever concerning journalism: "In agreement with the New York Times and the Soviet authorities, his official dispatches always reflect the official opinion of the Soviet region and not his own." - NYT's Moscow correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Duranty.BRIAN HAW TIMELINE
09-05-2006 07:42
for ease of finding info, i am adding regular breaking story updates to the situation in parliament square as comments and additions to the 'government wins appeal against brian haw's peace protest' piece at:
DETC Fundraising Meal
09-05-2006 01:13
The DETC campaign will be having a social evening of Nigerian food and music at the end of Refugee Week on Sunday 25 June to raise money for the campaign to keep Nigerian refugees Eucharia and Timeyi in Britain. The venue will be The Basement, 24 Lever Street, Manchester, at 6pm. Prices are from £5 to £10 to £15 depending on income. other asylum seekers can eat for free'Ethnic cleansing' in Essex
08-05-2006 22:11
Travellers in Essex, who claim they are living in fear of an apartheid-style dawn eviction, say they will defend their homes using non-violent resistance and human shields if the local council uses a court decision due on May 13th to justify a direct-action attack.Vigil in Oxford to Commemorate Palestinian Nakba
08-05-2006 20:05
On Sunday May 14th there will be a vigil in Cornmarket from 8-9pm to commemorate the 58th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (Arabic for Catastrophe)indymedia cinema/ noborders network
08-05-2006 17:20
Film + speakers about the recent protests against detention in Australia and in the UKNational Day of Action in Support of Palestine!
08-05-2006 16:48
On Saturday 13th May 2006, Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and the Victory to the Intifada Group will be hold pickets of Marks and Spencer across the whole of Britian.In Manchester, there will be a picket of the Marks and Spencers, on Market Street, from 12 noon, in support of Palestine and the Palestinian peoples struggle for national liberation!
Come down! Make your voice heard!