UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
War on Terror OR War on Community
28-03-2005 15:36

Muslim printing press prints BNP newspaper "Voice Of Freedom"
28-03-2005 09:48
BNP rag "Voice Of Freedom" is currently published by Satellite graphics ltd in barking essex. It is owned by AL-Awsat ltd, based at Arab Press House, High Holborn,London. Why is a Muslim business helping such a openly rascist anti Islamic organisation promote its rascist filth in our society.Nazi lose claim against union
28-03-2005 08:50
Nazi loses his claim against the Transport and General workers Union, surely now is the time to kick all BNP scum out of the tade union movement.A private London school stands accused of sanctioning a racist terror campaign
27-03-2005 19:22
A London school stands accussed of conducting a 'racist terror campaign' against a lone elderly neighbour for two years despite repeated calls to the Police who failed to launch a criminial investigation.Report and Pictures from Close Campsfield Demonstration.
26-03-2005 21:39

Israeli War Crimes
26-03-2005 16:50

Alam family antideportation campaign - help needed
26-03-2005 08:38
Just before Christmas 2004 Immigration atttempted to deport first Alam and then later his young family and wife. They are now trying to do this again at Easter. Alam has removal directions for Tuesday the 29th of March and his family for the 5th of April.Bush vs Geronimo
26-03-2005 01:26

new immigration bill in greece
24-03-2005 21:38
newspaper "Athens News" by Mrs. Tzilivakis
Provisions in Greece's new immigration bill may be out of step with a keyEuropean Union directive concerning the residence status of legal longterm immigrants
March and public meeting against anti-Gypsy racism
24-03-2005 09:02
Saturday 9th April 2005Assemble and commemoration at St James's Church, Piccadilly (12 noon)
March to Trafalgar Sq (1pm)
Public meeting at Jurys Hotel, Great Russell Street (3pm)
Video: "No Lager - Nowhere". April2nd - European Action Day
22-03-2005 15:26

A german/english preview of the video you will find here:

Anti-Detention Center Filmscreening and Talk
22-03-2005 12:01

Filmscreening and discussion on Detention Centres in Sheffield, Tuesday 29th of March.
Part of the mobilisation against the European detention center regime and for April 2nd European wide Day of Action for Migrants and Refugees Rights.
For the freedom of movement and the right to stay.
Dokdo in the East Sea of Korea
21-03-2005 21:15

Susan Karim’s trip to Baghdad March 2005
21-03-2005 14:22

Bethlehem Residents Protest against Occupation and Closure
21-03-2005 10:42

Report with photos of the Glasgow anti-war demo on Saturday March 19th 2005.
20-03-2005 21:54

Images of subvertised tory billboard spotted in Longsight, Manchester
20-03-2005 19:04

Bonjour Tristesse - the story of Jean Seberg's destruction by COINTELPRO.
19-03-2005 00:41

Towards a new COINTELPRO?
18-03-2005 23:44

Racist Tory election ads
18-03-2005 23:28
Seen today at Edge Lane & Smithdown Road, billboard ads for the Toriesthat read:
'It's not racist to impose limits on immigration ... are you thinking
what we're thinking?'