UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
University halts BNP speech plan
10-05-2007 18:37
BNP leader Nick Griffin has been blocked from making a speech at a university meeting amid fears over security.Defend Halima and Bailey Jr. - Tuesday, 15 May 2007, 9.00am
10-05-2007 12:49

RORM celebrate international workers day
10-05-2007 12:37

Anti-Facist Bloc in Bath
10-05-2007 09:59
On Monday 14th of May, holocaust denying Nazi Nick Griffin will be speaking at Bath University... unless we stop himMumia Abu-Jamal – protest at US Embassy 17 May
10-05-2007 07:38
Protest at the US Embassy in London on Thursday 17 May to support Mumia Abu-Jamal a political activist on death row. Mumia is innocent!Atlantic ruling class 2007 annual meeting (video)
09-05-2007 17:25
What if everything you thought you knew about the world was wrong? And there was an invisible far-right government, a parallel government, operating behind the scenes with almost no scrutiny by the world's press....A Channel Four Farce?
09-05-2007 17:01
In what appears to be a throw back to the black-and-white minstrel shows, where playing the "natives", people would blacken their faces and dance around on stage to "entertain" their audience, it appears that the British station Channel Four may be following suite.Urgent request for help- imminent deportation of hunger strikers and sick child
09-05-2007 12:33
A Kurdish TCAR family from Turkey is being deported today DESPITE the fact that their solicitor has put in an application for judicial review. The judge ruled that the application is not enough to stop the deportation. Tyneside Community Action for Refugees is making an urgent request requesting that you phone the duty officer at the airport to log concerns.National Day of Action to defend Assylum Rights May 19th Solihull
09-05-2007 10:25
HiI contacted the Coventry Peace House recently who said that they are planning to hold a demo on this date, travelling from Coventry to Solihull, several groups are'd be good to meet No Borders and other orgs that support refugees/ assylum seekers/ anti-racists and anti-authoritarians there!
Newcastle Refugees Join Yarls Wood Hunger Strike - Solidarity Protest Newcastle
09-05-2007 00:42
Families from Newcastle are on hunger strike today as they await deportation in Yarls Wood Immigration Detention Centre. 200 women who began a protest last Thursday against new punitive measures – including confiscation of mobile phones and lock-in from 7pm-7am – were joined on Tuesday by another 100 families, including members of Tyneside Community Action for Refugees.Kirklees BNP Humiliated-Again!!
08-05-2007 07:58
David Exley BNP councillor for Heckmondwike and North Kirklees organiser recently predicted in the media that the BNP would win 7 seats in this years council elections.
This came as no real surprise as Dippy Dave always predicts a 7 seat haul and as in previous times Dippy Dave was very wide of the mark.
Migrant’s and Refugees’ Rights March and Rally
07-05-2007 13:48
A multitude of groups, ranging from migrant groups, unions, religious groups, churches, human rights and social justice activists called for a joint rally and a National Day of Action and Celebration of Justice for Migrants on what turned out to be a wet bank holiday.
Read their announcement here:

Take Action to End the Occupation - 40 Years is Enough!
06-05-2007 17:39
40 Years is Enough!Six Days of Action against the Occupation of Palestine - June 6-12 2007
Global Day of Action - June 9 2007
Mayday in Nottingham (Round Two)
05-05-2007 17:02

German University Racism
05-05-2007 12:37
Racial discrimination in permitting doctorate under exemption rule between British and Indian graduates despite extraordinary performance the university's unlawful refusal to give me oral exams (which it gives to the British) despite my repeated pleas in the first place- I suffered from psychogenic writers’ cramps.Stuttgart University sanctimoniously observes the UN year of the handicapped'May Day Melee' in Los Angeles
05-05-2007 10:47
"first-hand video reporting from the scene at the May Day Melee here in Los Angeles which we covered as it broke lNick Griffin at Bath Uni- Mon May 14th - demo & Anti-Fascist bloc
04-05-2007 19:14
On Monday 14th of May, holocaust denying Nazi fuckwit Nick Griffin will be speaking at Bath University... unless we stop him!Neofascists in Polish Constitution Day 2007
03-05-2007 22:25

Reminder: rally! Free Mumia now! (This Saturday)
03-05-2007 00:15

Mumia Abu-Jamal is an innocent man!
Free Mumia Now!
Mumia's life is in danger - mobilise now!
Rally, sponsored by the Partisan Defence Committee
Saturday 5 May, 1 pm
University of London Union, Room 3C&D,
Malet Street, London WC1
Abolish the racist death penalty!