UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
To whom it may concern
17-01-2008 18:48
Parvin residing in Cyprus was arrested by the Cypriot authorities on 20th December 2007 and was issued deportation order to Iran on 17th January 2008. On this day Parvin was arrested by the Cypriot police to be taken to the airport. Parvin kept saying to the authorities that her life is in danger in Iran and should not be sent to Iran. The authorities did not listen to her and forcefully and violently took her away. As a consequence she has bruises on her face. Her flight to Iran had a stop in Dubai where she is at the moment. She is suffering physically and mentally.The Black Church and the Hollowing Out of Black Politics
17-01-2008 11:44

EXCLUSIVE: Historical analysis of the philosophy of war - much food for thought
17-01-2008 04:53

Martin Luther King Jr Celebration
16-01-2008 16:05

Monday 21st January From 7pm @ the Welcome Centre, Nottingham Street, Pitsmoor
Bring and share food, Music, Dance, Drama, Discussion.
This years theme “He had a dream what is yours?”
Another Attack on Gaza, 17 Palestinians Killed
16-01-2008 13:37
This was predicted long before Annapolis, as Israel announced it would not negotiate, and had already made plans for increased aggression and a possible reoccupation of Gaza.Where are the angry demonstrations in the streets? This won't end until Israel is forced to stop what it's doing. Appeasement does nothing.
Help Save Baby X - An IVF created black baby with no rights to a father
15-01-2008 16:52

the legal costs for saving this Black Male child named Baby X and to
raise the issue of how child support is being used for sponsoring both
Immigration and Paternity Fraud & destroying Black Families.
Freedom of Assembly Demonstration
13-01-2008 21:02
Determined protest January 12th 2008Stop Bias Against Iranian Students and Academics in The Netherlands
13-01-2008 11:06
In a radical and unprecedented move Twente University in Enschede, TheNetherlands, has decided on a total exclusion of and denial of
admission to all Iranian nationals. The university bases its decision
upon the request of the Dutch Ministry of Education to "exercise
vigilance and prevent specialized teaching or training of Iranian
nationals of disciplines which would contribute to Iran's
profileration of sensitive nuclear activities and development of
nuclear weapon delivery systems" in compliance with the resolution
1373 of UN Security Council.
Bush Talks Peace On Camera, But Backs Zionism's War
12-01-2008 18:05
Actions speak louder than words.Zionism's program of wiping Palestine off the map will continue until they are made to stop.
Rate of Israeli Attacks On, Killing of Palestinians Doubled Since Annapolis
12-01-2008 14:30
Nobody covering Bush's visit, which was about Iran, and seeking regional support for the planned Israeli/US war against the state, mentioned any of these facts.Nor do they acknowledge Israel's planning of these attacks, and those to come, long before the Annapolis Charade.
Where are the angry demonstrations?
Food Crisis Worsening in Gaza: World Food Programme
12-01-2008 14:24
The silence of the world is deafening and shameful.Where are the angry demonstrations against the Government's refusal to do anything about this situation, these criminal acts?
Immigrants dead at the frontiers of Europe
11-01-2008 20:35
According to the following press review at leat 11,767 people have died since 1988 along the european frontiers. Among them 4,225 were missing in the sea. 8,125 migrants died in the Mediterranean sea, and through the Atlantic Ocean towards Spain, and 1.579 lost their life trying to cross Sahara desert in order to reach Europe [read more...] [1988-2007 press review]black european march againts racism and afrophobia and Jalloh
11-01-2008 19:13

Around the Campaigns Friday 11th January 2008
11-01-2008 17:09
Jamaican woman and three children subjected to horrifying removal attemptMaud Lennard removed on 8th attempt
Israel to Pressure Bush on Iran War
09-01-2008 19:23
As the world media lauds these two mass-murderers for their "desire for peace", they'll be discussing ways to achieve further illegal wars.Olmert to outline Demands to Bush
09-01-2008 19:21
The media, as usual, has fallen for this charade hook, line, and sinker, while this is truly about Israel renegging on its word to the Palestinians, and trying to start a war against Iran.court thursday/friday for XL airways action August 2007
09-01-2008 15:17
One person is in court Thursday 10th and Friday 11th January charged with Aggravated Tresspass for locking on to the banisters in reception of XL airways HQ near Gatwick in August 2007.Defend Asylum Seekers - Protest at Communications House, London
09-01-2008 11:11

Six years of Guantanamo - Orange Friday National Events
08-01-2008 11:05

NHS kills theatre nurse, Husband to be deported after inquest
07-01-2008 22:04
A FILIPINO man is being deported from Britain because his wife, who died following a hospital blunder, is no longer working here.