UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Thank you Joker for not playing with Israeli Apartheid
17-12-2011 17:35

Germany: Oury Jalloh demonstration
17-12-2011 16:54
In Berlin a demonstration was held in order to remember the victims of nazi violence. The solidarity group of Oury Jalloh therefor published a call. Oury Jalloh was a refugee in the city of Dessau, who was burnt alive in a death cell of the local police headquater. The trial against one of the murderers is supposed to come to an end in early 2012. Adequate reactions to the court decision will be announced.Here the translation of the call for the demonstration.
Sunday Times investigation unmasks EDL’s wealthy strategists
16-12-2011 11:17
This article is published in conjunction with Pickled Politics (

The Sunday Times have formally investigated the English Defence League’s backers and have confirmed that two key individuals in particular are involved.
EDL Thugs Plan Attack on Occupy Portsmouth
15-12-2011 14:02
Other far-right Groups Muster for Violent Confrontation!Portsmouth Nazi Watch have become increasingly alarmed by the level of serious threats Portsmouth EDL are making, both publicly and privately, towards local people supporting the peaceful, International 'Occupy' movement.
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Activists blockade mass Tamil deportation, allege torture risk
15-12-2011 12:07

Manchester Anti-Fascist Alliance: Closing Statement
13-12-2011 21:27
After two years Manchester Anti-Fascist Alliance is to call it a day.Police faked evidence and used dum-dum bullets to kill Mark Duggan
12-12-2011 22:39

Phone Blockade of Constant and Co
12-12-2011 19:23
A phone, and fax blockade of the offices of notorious Balliff company Constant & Co. aimed at disrupting their activities in facilitating homelessness and state sponsered racism.NUMBERS TO RING:
01234 340091 (Bedford)
01908 374374 (Bletchley)
If you want to also be inventive the fax numbers are:
01234 301299
01908 374374
EDL member arrested for Birmingham central Mosque Bomb threat
12-12-2011 16:33

Sicko Tory MP in Nazi stunt
12-12-2011 00:00

Redwatch spy changed name
11-12-2011 01:06
The redwatch spy account on facebook 'Rebecca Johnson' is now called 'Tim Anderson'.Stoke EDL mosque arsonists get 10 years
10-12-2011 13:36

Video: Traveller Solidarity Network protest @ The Coronet Wetherspoons, London
10-12-2011 11:40
This is just the beginning....Filmshow: The God Delusion, The Cowley Club, Brighton (UK), 14/12/11, 7pm
09-12-2011 14:10
Since the last national census showed Brighton to be, in the words of the clubs nearest evangelical church, the 'most godless city in Britain', we have had a rash of Christian groups missioning here - even coming en mass from London on day trips etc. One group has taken to doing so next to the club and this filmshow is partly in response.Portsmouth Nazi Exposed!
06-12-2011 00:53
Is this the Biggest Wanker in Portsmouth?!Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton
04-12-2011 17:43
Reparations in Action!Sunday, 13:00 to 14:00 (2011-12-04)
Host: Penny Hess
This Week: Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton
Africans mobilized around world reject Kabila's neocolonial regime
04-12-2011 04:02

Britain's sabre rattling against Iran. The threat to global security is Israel
01-12-2011 21:37

It is worth noting that Iran has not launched an attack or invasion of another country for over 200 years, has stated no intention to do so, and does not have any nuclear warheads. The hypocrisy is so blatant, and so extensive, that it is little wonder that Iranian citizens, like those elsewhere in the Middle East and throughout the world, are taking matters into their own hands.
EDL leader agrees with Anders Breivik, but psychiatrists declare Breivik insane
01-12-2011 13:22
The terrorist Anders Breivik has now been certified as psychotically insane. However, English Defence League leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka “Tommy Robinson”) is on record as stating that the EDL leadership share the killer’s opinions.This article is published in conjunction with Pickled Politics (

Syria: The orwellian "Responsibility to Protect" used to justify all out war
30-11-2011 15:06

The Syrian Arab Republic now faces the “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) as a threat. R2P is being prepped to be wielded as a weapon by Washington and NATO. It is a neo-imperialist device under the cover of sheep’s skin that appropriates the language of humanitarianism. The plan is to oust President Bashar Al-Assad from power and install a new client government in Damascus.