UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Sheffield Somali Community Protest at Social Services Removal of 13 Year Old
09-01-2012 11:47

BNP membership list - Leak 2011
08-01-2012 15:08

East Midlands fascists exposed
06-01-2012 15:45
Happy new year antifascists! Hackers Anonymous have got the 2012 off to a good start with Operation Blitzkrieg, a sustained assault on neo-Nazi websites in order to expose the fash.Young disabled Pakistani man tasered & assaulted by police on New Year's Eve
06-01-2012 12:50

The murder of Stephen Lawrence & institutional racism - an overview
05-01-2012 13:18
The deeper exploration of the facts surrounding the murder of Stephen Lawrence & the expose of institutional racism in the UK, most particularly the revelation that whilst the original prosecuting officers were knee deep in association with criminal activity with a father of one of the accused (David Norris), one can also question how at the time of the non-investigation into Stephen Lawrence's murder, a public trial into the death of young David Norris' uncle also called David Norris who was a police informant which was happening at the same time may have threatened to expose criminal cartels operating in 3 specialist police squads operating in south-east - one of which included association with gangster Kenneth Noye (who is/was also a freemason).Merry Christmas for all? (Athens)
05-01-2012 08:43
A brosure from Athens regarding X-MAS and the cities problems. Things have turned bad over there.Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre still in Deliberations over Israeli Apartheid
04-01-2012 16:57

Jeremy Clarkson insults Asians
02-01-2012 16:18

UK antifascist prisoners Sean Cregan and Andy Baker released
02-01-2012 15:47
Two antifascist prisoners released 30/12/11Concern raised re Londons Globe Theatres decision to host Israels Habima Theatre
30-12-2011 12:48

London Commemorates GAZA, 3 years after Operation Cast Lead
28-12-2011 13:29

Combat 18 and HMV Records
24-12-2011 16:56
Puting a searchlight on fash fund-raisingMuslims Quite Like Christmas SHOCK HORROR!!!
24-12-2011 13:42
Portsmouth Nazi Watch publish an article by the Muslim Council of Britain that reveals Muslims quite like Christmas actually..Tommy Robinson takes a beating
23-12-2011 16:43

English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson was attacked in Luton. Photos have emerged of his face after the beating, showing his face covered in cuts, lumps and bruises. However, there is some doubt over who the perpetrators of the attack were.
The Gates of Vienna blog carries a report that blames “Pakistani youths;
He was out driving, when he saw a car similar to his wife’s, driven by a blond white girl. The other car flashed its lights so Tommy pulled over.
A group of Pakistani youths wearing knuckle dusters poured out. Tommy was knocked out pretty quickly, and they gave him a good kicking.
He looks pretty beaten up, but no bones were broken, and no eyes or teeth are missing. He had a brain scan this morning. We don’t know the results yet.
He has spoken to The Sun, who asked whether he had called the police. Tommy said there was no point, as a racial attack on a white guy was of no interest to them.
Tommy has apparently since then reported that the gang were shouting “Allah Akhbar” and “Merry Christmas Tommy.” The blog states that they “want Tommy to go to the police,” because if they don’t act upon this, it is “yet more evidence that there is a two-tier system of justice in England.”
This story has been reported faithfully by the EDL’s new political bed-warmers, the British Freedom Party. They add that “our thoughts are with Tommy and his family during this tough time, a time which should be happy but has been devastated by thuggish invaders who would like to see Christmas eradicated from Britain.”
However, rival fascist faction the North West Infidels think differently;
Anti-fascism on the terraces
23-12-2011 01:09

Hasbara Strategy to Campaigns Pursuing an end to Israeli Apartheid
21-12-2011 09:25

Anti-fascist prisoners update: send letters for Christmas
19-12-2011 11:53

EDL's Darren Poland shows himself up + anti-fascist news update
18-12-2011 17:54