UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Will PSC rise to the Challenge?
20-01-2012 11:06
As the AGM of Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) approaches, the drive to control, fragment, agitate and to steer away PSC from its fundamental core issues is at all times high.
The crusade against PSC was ignited by Zionists from outside the movement beginning in September, following an article published on the Zionist hate-website Harry's Place (HP), and a letter from the Board of Deputies of British Jews” (BODBJ), accusing PSC and its branches of publishing anti-Semitic articles and linking to Holocaust denial websites, which arguably is a crude lie. However, the crusade was sustained, promoted and amplified by insiders with questionable loyalty, who roam freely within the Palestine solidarity movement.
Post Calais info and film night
19-01-2012 22:05
Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge - Thursday 2nd Feb 7.30 pmNew Blog - East Midland Anti-fascists
19-01-2012 18:56
A new independent blog has been set up to monitor the far right in the East Midlands.Leeds Antifascist Film Festival Programme
18-01-2012 10:51

TAOBQ Press Release: Missed Opportunity of UN initiative prompts campaign on Afr
17-01-2012 06:10
Missed Opportunity of UN initiative prompts campaign on African identity. TAOBQ campaign highlights issues around African identity and postulates that people of African heritage in Britain should be called African, instead of blackSupport the Dale Farm Planning Appeal – Letter writing campaign
15-01-2012 17:57
Mary Flynn is an Irish Traveller from Dale Farm who is appealing therefusal of planning permission for her plot. Mary’s appeal would be helped
by supporters and residents of Dale Farm sending letters supporting her
appeal. So TSN is calling for supporters to write letters.
EDL Routed In Whitechapel
15-01-2012 17:23
The sorry tale of the EDL is perhaps wending it's way to an anti-climax. Yesterday saw a piss-poor turn out in Barking end up in an ignominious defeat in Whitechapel.G20 protester's statement to the court
14-01-2012 15:48

London Remembers Guantanamo: 10 years
14-01-2012 12:07

Jock Palfreeman Solidarity Demo in London
13-01-2012 00:29
Jock Palfreeman Solidarity Demo. Thursday 15th March 2012. 11am – 2pm. London.William Singletary, 65, Courageous Witness of Mumia's Innocence
12-01-2012 21:28

Exposing the lies about the presence of ‘African mercenaries’ in Libya
12-01-2012 10:22
The deliberate misinformation campaign by NATO and NATO backed rebels to label black people in Libya as mercenaries leading to horrendous racist lynchings and atrocities.Full article | 1 addition | 15 comments
Jeremy Clarkson the New Face of Fascism
11-01-2012 13:05
Clarkson portrays racism as acceptableBlood & Honour concert planned for London
10-01-2012 22:57

Guantánamo Prisoners Stage Peaceful Protest and Hunger Strike to mark 10 years
10-01-2012 14:34
Today, prisoners at Guantánamo will embark on a peaceful protest, involving sit-ins and hunger strikes, to protest about their continued detention, and the continued existence of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, three years after President Obama came to office promising to close it within a year, and to show their appreciation of the protests being mounted on their behalf by US citizens, who are gathering in Washington D.C. on Wednesday to stage a rally and march to urge the President to fulfill his broken promise.Witnessing the Ron Paul Campaign Humanise the Face of White Supremacist Politics
09-01-2012 21:20
'White domination is so complete that even American Indian children want to be cowboys. It's as if Jewish children wanted to play Nazis.'
-- Ward Churchill
Huntsman Arrested for Racially Abusing Hunt Saboteur
09-01-2012 20:22
Hunt Saboteurs Association Press Release January 7th 2012Shut Guantánamo - End Ten Years of Shame" - Report
09-01-2012 13:38

On Saturday 7 January, the weekend before the tenth anniversary of the opening of the illegal prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, over 200 people from London and other parts of the UK converged outside the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square to mark this unfortunate day in history and to stand in solidarity with the 171 prisoners who remain there. Organised by the London Guantánamo Campaign (LGC), the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign (SSAC), the Stop the War Coalition (StWC) and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)