UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
“The crisis of Iraqi Turkmen with land Confiscation and the Iraqi Constitution”
31-03-2007 00:41
The crisis of the Iraqi Turkmen is still persisting in their own lands under the present Kurdish regime who dominates the region by the militia of the two main Kurdish parties KDP and PUK. The human rights of the Turkmen, therefore, are violated and the situation may get worst if it continuous without a fair solution. The European Parliament and all other international organizations are urged to consider our concerns and calls.UK all Parliament Committee calls for an end to the detention of children
30-03-2007 15:46
NCADC welcomes today's publication by the Joint Committee On HumanRights of the House of Commons and Lords on their findings on the
treatment of asylum seekers in the UK.
The report roundly condemns the present system of dealing with those
seeking asylum in the UK, not just by the Government but also by the
UN To Probe Israeli Crimes - Report Highlights Apartheid
29-03-2007 20:42
To download the full report (PDF) click
The first stage in resolving any serious problem is identifying it. The recent UN report has done that. The only thing left now is to force a just settlement to Zionism's perpetual war to wipe Palestine off the map.
Yesterday's removals to Darfur stayed
29-03-2007 18:11
Last minute legal action prevented the removal ofthree Darfurians due to be removed yesterday. The
three are now back in Oakington IRC with another
Darfurian who didn't fly on Tuesday night due to
failure of escorts to get him to the airport on
29-03-2007 10:13
We are launching an urgent appeal for donations to the Uddhav Bhandari Appeal to return his body to Nepal so that his family can grieve properly and organise his funeral arrangements according to Nepalese culture.Spinning the truth - the BPP and the 'White Nationalist' (nazi) Forum
29-03-2007 04:55
More porkies than people...Refugee family forcibly taken by police in bullet proof vests - urgent action!
28-03-2007 19:54

Sudan deportation failed
28-03-2007 10:37
Mohammed Abdulhadi Ali, one of the Sudan nationals who was to be deported last night refused to fly and is back in detention.Darfur Asylum Seekers (Removals)
28-03-2007 10:24
..."the removal by the Home Office to Khartoum of failed asylumseekers from Darfur."
The immediate pretext for my request is the fact that the Home Office
is minded tomorrow to remove no fewer than three such people on
flights to Khartoum, and there are plans for further removals next
Open Letter to President Jimmy Carter
28-03-2007 07:33
Introducing Palestine, Justice Not Apartheidwhy is it not titled thusly?
Introducing Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid
28-03-2007 07:30
I excitedly purchased the distinguished former American president Jimmy Carter's new book "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid" and put it on my bookshelf to read the moment I got the chance. Alas, this book will now surely always sit there gathering dust and unread, because before I could get to it, I read the following account in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz about this book that greatly disturbed me. A new red herring has been cleverly introduced into the discourse space, albeit enlarging it somewhat, but not sufficiently for me to waste my time chasing down yet another distinguished red herring.Full article | 3 additions | 3 comments
since 16 am riot in paris at gare du nord
27-03-2007 21:10
solidarity with the french youth riotersFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Home Office round-up Darfur refused asylum seekers for deportation
27-03-2007 14:01
It has been brought to the attention of NCADC that the Home Office
have for the past five days been rounding up nationals of Sudan who
have been refused asylum in the UK and that they intend to deport
them to Khartoum.
N9S rebrands itself - though it's still nazi
27-03-2007 13:07
What a difference a name makes - one at allPossible Far Right activity in Dover Kent
26-03-2007 06:39
Just reporting possible Far Right activity in Dover, Kent UK.Mugabe hails China for helping Zimbabwe
24-03-2007 22:48
A prominent group of British and American politicians and businessmen - many with energy and mining interests in Zimbabwe - are behind an international organisation to fund opposition to the regime of Robert Mugabe.Anti-slavery march demands reparations for slave trade
24-03-2007 16:59

Envoy Likens Israeli Policy To Apartheid - UN Opens Permanent Probe
24-03-2007 14:29
The entire UN report can be viewed
Philadelphia Reparations Tribunal, Excerpts on Uhuru Radio, Sunday March 25
24-03-2007 02:21

In Wroclaw, Polish police protected Neonazi parade and jailed antiracists
23-03-2007 19:11