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UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive

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Full Disclosure or Damage Control

08-02-2009 15:38

Last week a High Court ruling confirmed Binyam Mohamed was tortured whilst in the custody of the US in the full knowledge and cooperation of the Blair government. Mohamed has claimed that he was beaten, scalded and subjected to sleep deprivation, starvation and other forms of extreme mental and physical torture. Furthermore, British authorities were aware of the extent of the torture that Mohammed was subjected to making them complicit in his unlawful detention and abuse.

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Towards a typology of discrimination?

08-02-2009 14:26

When we talk about discrimination, we tend to blend in racism, heightism, sexism, ageism, ableism, lookism and as many other ‘isms’ as one can think of. These terms describe how people differentiate unfavourably between a self-defined “normal” and a self-defined “abnormal”. Reading over a blog I’d never seen before, I was moved to ask, are all these forms of discrimination the same or are they different? What features do they share in common?

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Racism in Italy. The hunt has begun (from El Pais)

08-02-2009 10:21

Increased incidents of racism and xenophobia, some of them characterized by unprecedented violence

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9/2 Fax action for antifascist prisoner, Christian

07-02-2009 21:39

Christian is an antifascist prisoner from Berlin who was condemned to 57 months of
incarceration as a result of taking part in antifascist actions (attacking nazi demos).

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Conference to Organize Community Survival Programs in Africa and U.S.

07-02-2009 20:28

All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project Conference Calls for Engineers, Scientists and Healthcare Workers to Build Community Survival Programs in Africa and U.S. - February 21-22, 2009

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Congolese refugees march in Manchester

07-02-2009 15:00

Report from 7-2-2009 demonstration of Congolese refugees opposing government plans to deport them to face war and political oppression.

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Obama v. Cognitive Bias

06-02-2009 12:11

A study was recently published "showing that a performance gap between African-Americans and whites on a 20-question test administered before Mr. Obama’s nomination all but disappeared when the exam was administered after his acceptance speech and again after the presidential election." Earlier researchers had "assembled university students with identical SAT scores and administered tests to them, discovering that blacks performed significantly poorer when asked at the start to fill out a form identifying themselves by race. The researchers attributed those results to anxiety that caused them to tighten up during exams in which they risked confirming a racial stereotype."

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The Imperial Obama is Frustrated on Zimbabwe

05-02-2009 23:44

In the face of African Union support for the new arrangement in Zimbabwe, the Obama administration has very reluctantly retreated from its hyper-aggressive posture. President Obama will soon begin to justify U.S. military intervention on broad "humanitarian" grounds - a cynical game of words to mask the same crimes as George Bush's so-called "democratic" interventions.

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Dave Gardner, Left-Wing and Animal Rights 'Activist', Exposed as BNP Member!

05-02-2009 23:41

Dave Gardner BNP member
Dave (David) Gardner is known to many involved in both animal rights and left-wing struggles in the West Midlands. What is less well known is his history of far-right activism, a past he has recently returned to.

Formerly a member of the fascist organisation the National Front, at the start of the decade, he endeavoured to integrate himself with assorted left, liberal and animal rights groups.

His attempts to get involved with militants of AFA were quickly rebuked. From here he got involved with varying success in groups as wide ranging as the anarchist influenced S26 collective to the SWP, Birmingham Friends of the Earth Building to assorted animal rights grouplets.

Repeatedly anti-fascist militants raised his past antics and refusal to pass on any information re: his supposedly ex-mates. Repeatedly they were ignored.

Now there can be NO DOUBT over where Mr Gardner's allegiances lie.

First he was snapped on the BNP demonstration in support of sacked BNP teacher Adam Walker, fratenising with longterm BNP activists, leafletting and generally being a fascist fucker!
(see photos below)

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If the Pope Changes His Mind…

05-02-2009 20:28

Does that mean he's imperfect? Or that God is imperfect? We've all probably addressed the issue of whether an omnipotent being can change its mind about something, but let's get down to Earth for a moment and address the issue of whether Catholics or anyone should give any respect or deference to a religious idol in the flesh who claims to be the spokesperson for God, but who, from generation to generation, and even within the same tenure, changes his mind on issues due to political and public pressure. In other words, the Pope is and should be treated only as the equivalent of a Prime Minister of a tiny little, but very influential, country tucked away in Rome. So, why do people give him so much credit where it's clearly not due?

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Affectionate racism?

05-02-2009 19:34

Having flicked on the TV over breakfast this morning, I was subjected to the somewhat absurd spectacle of BBC 1 controller Jay Hunt debating the meaning of the word "golliwog", and whether or not it's racist, with the morning news presenters.T he reason for this, of course, was the row over Carol Thatcher's sacking from The One Show for using the word to describe a black tennis player off-air. Hunt pulled out the dictionary definition, which was similar to this definition I just found online – "A doll fashioned in grotesque caricature of a Black male", so any argument for it not being racist was quickly put to bed (and if you want any further evidence, the fourth Google result for "golliwog" involves the BNP trying to argue that banning golliwog dolls is political correctness gone mad).

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Serge Trifkovic, BNP Councillor, and Scientific Racialists to Discuss Preserving

05-02-2009 12:14

Among the slew of anti-Muslim screeds published in recenty years, one of the more prominent was The Sword of the Prophet, by Serge Trifkovic. Despite Trifokovic's dubious background as a former spokesman for Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic (although he also spoke against Slobodan Milsoevic), he was embraced by American conservatives  - paleo and neo - as yet another expert who dared to tell ``the truth'' about Muslims and Islams.

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Protest in Texas Immigrant Detention Facility owned by GEO Group

04-02-2009 20:24

Immigrants awaiting deportation who are being held in a private jail run by the GEO Group began a protest last Saturday, January 31. The protest began after a group of immigrant prisoners attempted to meet with the detention facility’s authorities, demanding that a gravely ill detainee be released from solitary confinement and be taken immediately to a hospital. The prison authorities refused to listen and did not take action. The detainees responded by protesting after being ignored.

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BNP plan rally in Brum

03-02-2009 16:52

The contemptible stain that is the BNP are expected to rally in Birmingham city centre on Tuesday 10th February in support of former teacher and current fascist Adam Walker who left his former job following allegations of using school property to spread racist messages on internet forums.

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Barnbrook to speak at the Royal Heckmondwike

03-02-2009 13:17

News again reaches us that The Royal Public House in Heckmondwike intends to hold a BNP meeting

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Tamilgotcha! Westminster Bridge occupied for 3 hours - Sat 31st Jan

03-02-2009 02:24

The march arrives at Parliament Square, 3pm
On Saturday 31st January, 100,000 people marched past the Houses of Parliament in protest at Sri Lanka's war against it's own Tamil minority. A breakaway group of around 80 left the prescribed route and sat down on Westminster bridge, the police were able to quickly drag them back onto the pavement. But when a far larger group pushed through police lines to join them, the police were overwhelmed. Having only allowed for a march of 5,000, they were unable to move the protesters on until sufficient backup units arrived hours later.

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High Court Australia pervert justice, cause injury leading to deaths

02-02-2009 21:24

How High Court Australia conspire to pervert justice, and to cause injury leading to deaths

Dear Australian Parliament and the Australian Federal Police,

I give notice of a Judicial and Constitutional crisis in the Australian legal system.

By giving me authority to join to my action, ALL actions against Mr John Wilson are now suspended until the High Court Australia determines all Questions of Law, and Notices of a constitutional matter.

A judicial and constitutional crisis means a void in jurisdiction of all legal proceedings in the Australian legal system.


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SIGN PROTEST LETTER re. 'Israel Day of Science' at Science Museum London

02-02-2009 17:22

This post seeks signatures on a letter to the Science Museum in London imploring them not to host an 'Israel Day of Science' celebrating the work of Israel's universities, at a time when academic institutions throughout the world wish to boycott and sanction these institutions in order to put increasing pressure on the Israeli government to end the oppression of the Palestinian people. Please read and sign as you feel fit. Its a good letter and an important time to make our presence felt on this issue.

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Wildcat strikes - an open letter to the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement

01-02-2009 20:36

Below is an open letter written in response to the recent wildcat strikes

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Picket of the UKBA in Cardiff

01-02-2009 19:57

On Thursday 29th January 2009, around 25 people braved the freezing cold conditions to hold a picket for about 2 hours outside the UK Border Agency at 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff. These offices are where decisions are made about who gets detained, deported or in rarer cases granted leave to remain. ID cards are issued here for non-EU students and spouses and immigration 'snatch squads' operate from this address. This is also the local reporting office, where asylum applicants must 'sign on' as part of the conditions of their continued residence in the UK and then sometimes are detained prior to deportation. It is the face of Britain's racist immigration policies right here on our doorstep.