UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Press Release for Dallas Court Demo
02-03-2005 19:35
Following the exposure of the abuse of asylum seekers in detention centres on BBC 1 at 9pm tonight, please network this press release come to the demo on 8th March. Make Tuesday a day when they cannot seize anyone for detention. Thanks.Immigrant abuse claims examined (BBC)
02-03-2005 13:38
The Home Office has asked to see BBC undercover evidence of alleged racism and violence by security staff at an asylum seeker detention centre.Demonstrate Against Deportations - Rally Against Racism! - 2nd April
27-02-2005 23:13

National demonstration and rally in support of people seeking asylum and against racism.

Part of the 2nd April 2005 European-Wide Day of Action.
M&S Protestors Heard Above Zionist Threats and Sirens
26-02-2005 18:04
Thirty protesters from across Britain converged at Marks and Spencers in Manchester to promote the boycott of one of the UK's biggest corporate backers of Israel and in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinians for their freedom and independence.Anarchists and socialists unite against the repression & injustice in Manchester
26-02-2005 02:53
At least 25 Anarchists and Socialists travelled up today from London, Brighton and Birmingham to unite against police repression and loss of civil liberty's in Manchester.Keep Sheffield a no-go zone for fascists
25-02-2005 20:34
The BNP are standing candidates in the Heeley, Brightside and Hillsborough constituencies in the coming general election. Sheffield Unite Against Fascism is appealing for support in its campaign to prevent the fascist BNP gaining a foothold in our city.Gay Muslim fights bank harassment
24-02-2005 12:40
OutRage! backs fight for justiceA gay Muslim business manager is bringing a claim of racial victimisation and homophobic harassment against the London division one of the world’s biggest financial institutions, the German conglomerate, Deutsche Bank.
Report with photos of Public Rally in Glasgow on Wednesday 23rd February 2005.
24-02-2005 05:07

The resistible rise of the Cottenham residents association
23-02-2005 14:16
The so called Cottenham residents association (CRA) held a public meeting yesterday evening, 22 Feb 2005 in the local college hall. The turn out was impressive, a few hundred people gathered specially for the event. Despite what the name of the association would suggest its sole purpose is to handle a single 'issue' as they prefer to call it ('problem' would sound wrong to the BBC journalists that were present): the nearby traveler community of Smithy Fen.Queers without Borders at Harmondsworth detention centre last saturday
23-02-2005 01:43

ICAHD Launches Bottom-up E-mail Campaign
19-02-2005 14:50
A new campaign from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions to apply more international pressure to the Israeli government.This racist appetite will never be sated
18-02-2005 16:18
Some sanity today : "The political bidding war on immigration is unwinnable." -- Diane Abbott.Victory to the Intifada
18-02-2005 15:59
Report of the Victory to the Intifada picket of M&S Oxford Street London 17 February 2005VTI picket of M&S London 17 February 2005
18-02-2005 15:17
Report of the Victory to the Intifada picket of M&S in London 17 February 2005.E-mail action: Tell Blair - No Detention without Trial!
18-02-2005 14:05
Please write to Tony Blair to demand "No Detention without Trial"Why Should Ken L Apologise?
18-02-2005 12:05
I argue that morally deteriorated leaders often ally themselves with Jewish and Zionist organisations.Dungeons and Dragons
15-02-2005 23:14
As the Mayor of London squirms in the face of accussations of anti-Semitism, the Magical Mystery Mayor of Mythical Lindisfarne ponders a darker fate indeed.NYC F15-03 Photographs Never Before Seen
15-02-2005 21:36

Fatal police shooting draws fire from expert
15-02-2005 04:00
Gerald Chenery, a Nisga'a, was hit with a dozen bullets fired by two constables that had less than a year on the job.