UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
TCAR prepares for solidarity action with Harmondsworth and Yarl's wood protests
03-12-2006 19:31
Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) is in complete solidarity with the detention centre protesters at Harmondsworth and Yarl's wood. We have called an action this saturday (9th Decemeber) 12 noon- Monument, Newcastle city centre to show our support and raise the profile of the brave action these asylum seekers have taken and their success in releasing 150 detainees across the UK. End detention! End deportation! Together we are stronger!BNP Attacks The Irish
03-12-2006 10:58
The real face of the British National Party.Lincoln LARFs at the BNP
02-12-2006 19:08

Breaking Oz with News
02-12-2006 11:02
Fiji prepares for Oz invasion by leaving blackhawk helicopters on its beaches. A kava intoxicated Commodore Frank Bullawayo has once again forgotten his coup deadline and Australia's Minister of Defence, Dr Brendan (studs) Nelson, faces hostile relatives over the latest cover-ups and military fiascos! Well done, ‘studs’, the record of Robert (suck harder) Hill will soon be under threat.Babar Ahmad to appeal to Lords against extradition
02-12-2006 10:18
On Thursday 30th November 2006, The High Court in London ruled that Babar could be extradited to the US. What remains now is for the High Court to cerify that there are points of law in their Judgement that are of public importance. Babar's legal team now have 14 days to convince the High Court that there are in fact at least two points of law, namely those concerning Military Detention and Rendition.Harmondworth Solidarity Demo at Kalyx
02-12-2006 06:45

This is a statement by London No Borders on the Uprising at Harmondsworth IRC and the protests at UK Detention Centres and the solidarity action we did outside Kalyx on Friday Night
Iraq: Long history of multi-faith co-existence in jeopardy
01-12-2006 15:18
The term "Turkmen" means little to most western people, even those here who think they are up on Iraq ethnography. This is because Turkmens have not figured in media reports for reasons that will become clear. But watch for it. Iraqi Turkmen will soon demand world attention.Iraq, for outside observers is increasingly a land of ethnic and death statistics, usually in the context of the current conflict. More and more, Iraq is debated in terms of the Sunni-Shia-Kurd formula, as if Kurd were not themselves populated by sunni and shia devotees. Forgotten are the once romanticized Marsh Arabs of the south. (For the most part, they have moved to the cities.) Christians are also set aside, as are Iraqi Jews. Iraq's Christians represent probably the earliest Christian community anywhere, and along with Iraqi Jews, demonstrate the long history of multi-faith co-existence in this part of the world. Iraqis had rightly been proud of that.
Asylum Seekers get an early xmas present
01-12-2006 09:33
Here is a little snippet of what life is like for a destitute refugee. (see below for definition *)3 Destitute men have been seeking shelter in some empty council flats. The council are seeking to sell the land on which the flats are built to
Arches Housing.
122 Burngreave Road
South Yorkshire
S3 9DE
Phone: 0114 228 8100
Fax: 0114 228 8150


The council began legal proceedings to regain possession of the flats (court date set for 7th of December). Arches Housing have employed Red Wall construction (Building Contractor) to demolish the flats when they are emptied. On the 28th November 2006 (according to reports via Arches Housing) Red wall construction workers found all the front doors of the occupied flats open and apparently abandoned.
Human Rights Watch has lost its moral bearings
01-12-2006 01:11
Just at the moment Fatma was choosing death and resistance over powerlessness and victimhood -- and at a time when Gaza is struggling through one of the most oppressive and ugly periods of Israeli occupation in nearly four decades -- Human Rights Watch published its lastest statement on the conflict. It is document that shames the organisation, complacent Western societies and Fatma’s memory.two examples on a phony discourse: democracy in the Middle East
30-11-2006 22:32
The excerpts below from Newsweek and The Independent are the latest examples of the neo-colonial agenda's phony discourse.Though its primary targets are various Asian nations and the Muslim diaspora living in North America and Europe, its ultimate aim is to subjugate the entire humanity.
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John Reid Invokes Riechstag Fire Tactics For Detention Centre Fire
30-11-2006 16:46
Home Secretary invents fictional "immigrant terrorist" group to increase support for it's nationalist policiesUrgent: Yarl's Wood Quarantined
30-11-2006 15:10
Asylum seekers at Yarl's Wood have claimed today that Yarl's Wood IRC is quarantined and that visitors are not being allowed in due to the dangerous health conditions there.Parties from Polish goverement involved in Neo-nazi-party. Call for boycott.
30-11-2006 12:53

Solidarity with the Harmondsworth detainees! Demonstrate at Communications House
30-11-2006 10:26
The brave actions of the detainees at Harmondsworth Immigration Detention Centre, have publicised the disgusting conditions and treatment they face far wider than could ever have been achieved simply by the publication of the Chief Inspector of Prisons’ report criticising the immigration prison.RADIO INTERVIEW: Is Honoring Mumia Abu-Jamal a Crime?
30-11-2006 02:04

UN Declaration of Indigenous Rights REJECTED
29-11-2006 21:25
First Nations Leadership Council Troubled By Today's Vote at the UnitedNations: Inaction on Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Demo Against the BNP Activities in Lincoln on Saturday 2nd Dec
29-11-2006 18:32
Demo Against the BNP Activities in Lincoln on Saturday 2nd DecA demonstration will meet in front of the atrium at the University of Lincoln, on Brayford Wharf East at 11.30 am on Saturday 2nd December
Glasgow Dawn Raid Stopped on Sunday
29-11-2006 13:40
At seven o’clock on Sunday 26th November, in the Plean Street tower block complex on the west of Glasgow, ten immigration ‘enforcers’ and Strathclyde Police officers tried to smash open the door of a single mother from Uganda and her three year old twins.Full article | 13 additions | 4 comments
Riot in Harmondsworth
29-11-2006 00:54
A riot started around 9 pm in B wing and seems to have spread to all wings. Some detainees have been beaten up. There are reports of fires being lit everywhere. Detainees have been locked up in their rooms in some parts of the centre. In others they are stll rioting.I have news now (00.50) they are now taking the detanees out of the building.