UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Western Media Fails Balata Refugee Camp...yet again
02-03-2006 11:30
The Israeli army re-invaded Balata Refugee camp in full force on Thursday 23/02/06, killing five camp residents and injuring scores, including two medical workers. In only a few days, the operation termed 'Northern Glory' by the Israeli Occupation Forces has resulted in seven fatalities and around 100 injured.Urgent anti-deportation protest call
01-03-2006 22:14
You are urgently called to Nottingham Magistrates Court, 9.30am on Thursday (tomorrow) to protest the illegal deportation of a 20-year-old Afghani refugee. Ali Noori came to Britain as a minor, and has been awaiting the result of his appeal to remain here. He suffers from serious asthma. He was detained at the police station today with no prior warning to him or his solicitor which, we assert, makes the deportation illegal. Hope to see you - despite the late notice - outside the magistrates court (on canal, near train station) for a protest 9.30am-10.30am.
People will be meeting at Nottingham Train station at 9.15am
Media Workers against the War
01-03-2006 22:09
Press contacts: 07815 111 191, 07801 789 297
An Open Letter to Clare Short re Hizb ut-Tahrir from Peter Tatchell
01-03-2006 13:19
Clair Short MP is urged not to host the rightwing Islamic supremacist, anti-democratic organisation, Hizb ut Tahrir.Tell It Like It Is: How our schools fail Black children
01-03-2006 11:15
Tell It Like It Is: How our schools fail Black children - follow up to the Harlesden meeting on February 2nd 2006.REGIONAL and BRISTOL Stop-The-War NEWS : March 2006
27-02-2006 23:58

Austria, Hitler and Howard’s Australia
27-02-2006 15:53
Pauline Hanson recently announced on news radio that her political views have been “vindicated”; she cited the overt racist attitudes of John Howard and Peter Costello as proof of her claim. Who could deny it? Hanson’s imprisonment on trumped-up charges was an act of political assassination instigated by Howard but executed by his then errand boy, Tony Abbott. Hanson’s trial and subsequent imprisonment effectively eliminated her and her party from the Australian political landscape; mainstream racist ideology was re-established in its rightful home, the white Australian conservative ultra-right Liberal Party of Howard! The world watches Australia take a giant leap backwards as Howard continues to divide the nation.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Israeli activist shot in the eye by IOF
27-02-2006 01:55
This is Matan Cohen who recently did a speaking trip around Europe including London, so some you might have met him:

Links to National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns
27-02-2006 01:25
For more information of Mariah and Judith, and other anti-deportation campaigns, see link below.Free speech attacked in Wood Green north London
27-02-2006 00:58
Street wardens in Haringey, north London, are taking the law into their own hands. On Saturday 25 February they violently got rid of people peacefully petitioning and leafletting and smashed up a paste table, under the watchful and complicit eyes of the police.Do Iraqi Civilian Casualties Matter?
26-02-2006 22:36

The lion’s roar is yet to be heard!
26-02-2006 20:45
Further attempts to destabilise Iraq and destroy the unity of the people, have been made this week, through the bombing of the Golden Mosque in Samarra, which houses the tombs of the 10th and 11th imams of Islam.Swansea Against Islamophobia
25-02-2006 16:56
Two hundred at Swansea rally against IslamophobiaNo Tears for Injured Oppressors! Or – What does “No Justice, No Peace” really mean
25-02-2006 08:14
(a reflection on the mass emotional reaction to the shooting of a police officer in Nottingham, and how this kind of reaction, far from being humanistic, reinforces the psychological underpinnings of the status quo, suspends the performative effectiveness of opposition, and thus generates impunity for statist abuses)LACKEYS OF THE GOVERNMENT: ENEMIES OF THE WORKING CLASS
24-02-2006 16:27
While the Public and Commercial Services union continue to oppose further job losses in the Department for Work and Pensions. The time has come for all WORKERS to unite and fight this “creeping fascism” by not implementing the government's attacks upon their own class – claimants and fellow workers.Danish Cartoons: Free Speech or Hate Speech ?
23-02-2006 22:17
“I don’t know of anything more important than freedom of expression,” said former Supreme Court Justice Peter Cory commenting on the Court’s decision to uphold Jim Keegstra’s conviction for willfully promoting hatred in 1991.The offensive Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad have now ignited global interest in the subject. To date four Canadian media outlets have entered the fray.
Despite death and destruction, some free speech advocates have characterized this as a defining battle. It has now become a clash of extremes with both sides reeking of double standards.
An anti-racist anthem for St Patricks Day
23-02-2006 17:57

No Borders//Anti-Detention//Detainee Support Events @ The Square Social Centre
21-02-2006 18:15
No Borders//Anti-Detention//Detainee Support Events@ The Square Social Centre
21 Russell Square, London WC1
A list of events, meetings, benefits and a No Borders gathering, in late February & March.
More on arrests of "Road to Guantanamo" stars by Bedfordshire Police
21-02-2006 11:43
Bedfordshire Police: Woburn Road, Kempston, Beds, MK43 9AX +44 (0)1234 841212 FAX +44 (0)1234 842133 -
The Chief Constable is Gillian Parker.
18-02-2006 15:21
Demonstration outside Bow Street Magistrates Court, London WC2Tuesday 14 March 2006 – 10am onwards