UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Oldham Labour MP borrows BNP tactics
18-02-2006 15:08

Are Muslims from Mars and Europeans from Venus?
18-02-2006 09:20
Is the row over the Danish cartoons really part of a clash of civilisations?"Apartheid Israel Week" at Oxford
16-02-2006 18:29

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Action on travellers
16-02-2006 17:26
Today's lead item and headline in the Cambridge Evening News (
vine and fig planters in Newbury 'court' Gig
16-02-2006 01:31
Post-Protest: Vine and Fig Planters take their 'turns' at Newbury Magistrates CourtJim Berenholtz, renaissance man
15-02-2006 09:50

Democracy and Anti-Semitism
15-02-2006 08:13
Today, Ronald Dworkin finally took the chance of the situation in the guardian to defend freedom of speech as the fundamental value of democracy. It was, however, not an attack against those muslims who believe they could be offended. Instead Dworkin simultaniously defended the decision of British newspapers not to print the cartoons because they would fuel the conflict, help the extremists andThe QUICKTIME REPORT 15/2/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
14-02-2006 20:24

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Anti-fascists fete Sacranie
14-02-2006 18:15
The UAF would not invite as a speaker someone who said that black people are immoral, harmful and spread disease, or who vilified Jewish people as offensive, immoral and repugnant. Why, then, are they giving a platform to Sir Iqbal Sacranie, a bigot who says these things about gays and lesbians?"Since when was Eugenics an acceptable governemnt policy in Oz.
13-02-2006 23:17

13-02-2006 16:14
Because of the continuing protests by Muslims over the insolent drawings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), 1/3 of the Danish Army scheduled for deployment in Iraq have just now fled their posts. The enlisted personnel who would serve as cannon fodder are especially involved.From Farrakhan to Danish Cartoons
13-02-2006 13:24
Two decades ago, the American Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan referred in an interview to Judaism as a "gutter religion."Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Video - london news roundup sat 11th feb
12-02-2006 05:56

If your media player can't handle this new format, download and install VideoLan (VLC) which is available of Windows, Max OSX and GNU/Linux.
Prosecuting racist hate speech
11-02-2006 20:10

False news: a prior Muslim controversy involving Jyllands-Posten
11-02-2006 14:40
A little-known story from 2002 helps fill in some to the background to the current Danish cartoons controversyOn Cartoon Riots
10-02-2006 20:34
This appeared in today's Morning Star newspaper and on www.iShotTheDeputy.comDeath in Plumstead. The Muslim demo that the corporate media ignored.
10-02-2006 16:41

Dawn Raids Back in Glasgow: Protest Saturday
10-02-2006 14:02
This week, the first "dawn raid" of 2006 against Glasgow's asylum-seeking population was launched. The victims were the Akyol family, of Kurdish origin, who have lived in Glasgow for five years. Following a pledge to picket after each raid launched from Brand St, Glasgow No Borders is calling for a demo there from 7am on Saturday