UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
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Harmondsworth: solidarity needed
09-04-2008 13:48
Please write urgently to the Home Secretary and ask others to do the same.Smash The National Front
09-04-2008 10:39
Protest and make your voice heard and make it known that the NF aren't welcome in Newcastle on Sunday 13th April.All out on 19 April! Free Mumia now!
09-04-2008 00:25

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
See attached PDF leaflet, contact the PDC for more information and to help build the demonstration, to speak and to endorse the protest. 020 7281 5504

UN Investigator Stands by Israel-Nazi Comparison
09-04-2008 00:20
There should be no special exception for Israel when it comes to the human rights of Palestinians, period, end of discussion.What Professor Falk is doing is merely stating the obvious, and that's what has Israeli officials cringing and sputtering.
And if Israel bars Falk from assuming his Human Rights Investigator post, Israel should be thrown out of the UN.
URGENT: Please fax Jacqui Smith to protest against Rose's deportation
08-04-2008 20:59

Love Music Hate Racism Carnival 27 April Victoria Park
08-04-2008 19:13
The Love Music Hate Racism carnival on 27 AprilSpeak-out against Labour's racism!!! Sat 10 May 2008, 12pm, Piccadilly Gardens
08-04-2008 16:06
Open-mic session in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, in which everyone can speak-out without censorship against the racist policies and 'inhuman treatment' of asylum seekers refugees and immigrants by this racist Labour government!Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Violence used to break hunger strike in Harmondsworth
08-04-2008 10:29
On Saturday 5th April , between 5 and 6 in the morning, around 50 police in riot gear entered Harmodsworth immigration removal centre and took 30 detainees away. Most of them have been put in isolation or into common prisons, effectively preventing them from communicating with the outside.Freedom for Rose! Demonstrations Tuesday and Wednesday in Newcastle
07-04-2008 22:52

Usborne children's books and the BNP
07-04-2008 19:34
Anything for a quick buck!URGENT: Free Mumia now! All out for 19 April united-front demonstration!
07-04-2008 19:26

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
See attached PDF leaflet, contact the PDC for more information and to help build the demonstration, to speak and to endorse the protest. 020 7281 5504

Get ready
07-04-2008 17:37
07-04-2008 15:56
Public Meeting - "Atrocious Barbarism": Limiting Healthcare Access to Asylum Seekers and MigrantsMonday 14th April 7pm at Showroom Cinema, Room 5, Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX
Love Music Hate Racism
07-04-2008 12:56

Brighton Delegation to Palestine -Education and resistance in occupied Palestine
07-04-2008 12:13
Israeli Army Tries to Close Schools and Orphanages - Please HELP !!
07-04-2008 08:19

Hebron, Palestine. They claim that the society is linked to Hamas and channels
money to terrorism but this is not true. The army has stolen a large amount of
food and equipment from the Society including computers and 2 school buses.
Food and bread for the orphans has been stolen also.
"Freedom wins" says the Sun
07-04-2008 08:10

They seem to forget all too easily that for five hundred years, hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples were slaughtered, decimated, deported, enslaved, starved, exterminated, impoverished, and forcibly assimilated into an emerging world system dominated by Western Europe.
Tibetan Freedom Torch Rally
06-04-2008 20:42
Peaceful protests at Whitehall as the Olympic Torch comes to London,. followed by an account of the Tibetan Freedom Torch Rally, held at King's Cross.Harmodsworth repression
06-04-2008 19:34
It is official: some detainees have been assaulted and injuried when the riot police intervened to break the hunger strike and took 30 detainees out Harmondsworth IRC.Free Mumia now! All out for 19 April united-front demonstration!
05-04-2008 17:44

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)