UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
Harmondsworth press release
05-04-2008 12:33
This was send around to the mainstream press.Repression of the Harmondsworth detainees' protest
05-04-2008 12:11
Riot police intervene to break the hunger strikeShould the U.S. End 'Aid' to Israel?
04-04-2008 21:33
Since Israel maintains clandestine programs of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons (WMD), under existing US law, all US tax money sent to Israel is illegal.BNP candidate: 'The Asians are rubbish...'
04-04-2008 20:13
Beacon's back!Harmondsworth detainees' petition
04-04-2008 14:01
Original text of the petition written by the Harmondsworth detainees on hunger strike.Harmondsworth detainees on hunger strike
04-04-2008 09:03
From this morning 300 detainees in Harmondsworth are refusing food.Fitna, a hateprovoking and discriminative film of Dutch politician, Wilders
04-04-2008 04:55
In ''Fitna'' Mr Wilders presents a onesided and discriminative image of the Islam, which is highly hateprovokingAlso he is mentioning the WTC and Madrid attacks, with denial of ''christian'' and Jewish fundamentalism and bagatellising the political causes
28 days to appeal against BNP festival license
03-04-2008 14:49
Amber Valley Borough Council has recently received an application from Mr Alan Warner to hold the BNP's Red, White and Blue Festival on land at Denby, Derbyshire from the 15th to the 17th August 2008. Responsible authorities and any other interested parties now have a minimum of 28 days from today to submit any representations to the Council.Kosovo constitution needs to provide more guarantees for Roma, NGOs say
03-04-2008 07:56
In a letter sent to the Constitutional Commission and representatives of the international civilian administration in Kosovo, Roma NGOs ask for substantial improvements of the draft constitution which has been prepared by the Constitutional Commission.Free Mumia now! All out for 19 April united-front demonstration!
03-04-2008 00:44

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
Harmondsworth protest update
02-04-2008 12:33
The detainees (allegedly over 100) who spent the night in the courtyard went back inside this morning. Most are still refusing food. There are fights breaking out this moment because the guards were taunting the detainees over food.Nick Griffin Speaking in Leeds
02-04-2008 10:21

Lovey Nkomo to be deported
01-04-2008 21:23

Please send letters to the Virgin Atlantic and the Home Secretary to try and prevent her forcible deportation tomorrow.
Harmodsworth detainees protest, 1st April 2008
01-04-2008 20:17
Since this morning at 9am, all - or the majority at least- of immigration detainees at Harmondsworth removal centre have being refusing food and have been in peaceful occupation of the courtyard.'We are human beings, we want to be treated with dignity we shall stay in the coutyard until our demands are heard.'
Women are more troubled by bag theft than rape, says senior BNP candidate
01-04-2008 10:05
How vile is the BNP? Very.Ruling Against Mumia Shows: No Justice in the Capitalist Courts
30-03-2008 23:52

"There is a climate of hate and fear in the Netherlands"
30-03-2008 15:25

"We can no longer remain silent. There is a climate of hate and fear in the Netherlands," said Rene Danen, a spokesman from anti-racism organisation Nederland Bekent Kleur (The Netherlands Shows its Colours), which organised a protest against the film.
Mumia Abu-Jamal: planning meeting for next protest action
29-03-2008 23:15
Planning meeting: Thursday 3 April - 7pm. To prepare for a protest outside the US Embassy at 1pm on Saturday 19 April to coincide with other international protests.Full article | 2 additions | 9 comments
Zimbabwean Asylum Rights Demo @ Speakers Corner, Nottingham
29-03-2008 21:44