UK Anti-racism Newswire Archive
A Less than Grand Strategy: NATO's New Vision, The Preemptive Use of Nuclear Wea
29-03-2008 10:28
A few months ago, a report was published entitled "Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World: Renewing Transatlantic Partnership". It was written by five generals and it proposes a new vision for the NATO alliance and a strengthening of ties between the United States and the European Union. On the whole, the report contains an unabashed support for increased militarism and an arrogant endorsement of continuing Western hegemony throughout the world. The "Western way of life" must be preserved at all costs and those groups and/or nations which pose a threat to Western dominance must be wiped off the face of the earth.Protect the Children of Darfur
29-03-2008 01:13
SUNDAY 13th April – PROTECT DARFUR DEMONSTRATIONFree coach - Nottingham to London and back, Book your place now!
Leaves from outside the Nottingham city centre Post Office on Queen Street (opposite Gatecrasher) at 7 am and returns by 8 pm.
Demonstration outside the Sudanese Embassy in London starting at 12 pm on Cleveland Row, opposite St James’ palace. Postcode: SW1A 1DD
Growing Islamophobia in Europe (by Latuff)
28-03-2008 14:51

Gaza: Oxfam Has the Answer
28-03-2008 01:30
It is unconscionable that Western Governments allow this to continue.It is a betrayal of everything we've been taught to believe in.
Israel Defies Law With Illegal Settlements
28-03-2008 01:29
For more on the Playbook used to write this one-sided report:How to Become an Israeli Journalist

Reminder about Zimbabwe event (Fri 28th) & demo (Sat 29th) this weekend in Nottm
28-03-2008 01:00
1. 'A NIGHT FOR ZIMBABWE' at Nottingham's Sumac Centre on Friday 28th March! Starts 6.30pm. Food, info, music.2. DEMONSTRATION on Saturday 29th March at Speaker's Corner in the Market Square, Nottingham, at 2.00pm. All welcome.
Emergency London Protests In Support Of Mumia
27-03-2008 23:43
Mumia Abu-Jamal is an innocent man!Free Mumia immediately!
Abolish the racist death penalty!
All Out for Mumia!
Emergency protest TODAY for Mumia Abu-Jamal!
27-03-2008 22:09

All out for the emergency protest!
5pm Friday 28 March 2008
US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, W1 (Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
Court rules against new trial for Mumia - emergency demo, Fri 5pm, Grosvenor Sq
27-03-2008 20:31
Mumia's life is in danger: today the Third Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision upholding Mumia Abu-Jamal's frame-up conviction. In turning down his appeal for a new trial, the Court ordered a new sentencing hearing to decide whether he is again to be sentenced to die or condemned to the living death of life in prison.Love Music Hate Racism Carnival
27-03-2008 19:16

Immigration Dawn Raid Protesters on Trial
27-03-2008 18:23
Three protesters against immigration controls were in Market Street Magistrates Court, Newcastle this morning after they showed their solidarity to a refugee family on the 10th of October last year.News/Community support Thursday 27th March 2008
27-03-2008 18:12
Inhumane and oppressive': the final verdict on Britain's asylum policy
The most comprehensive examination of the UK's asylum system ever conducted has found it "marred by inhumanity" and "not yet fit for purpose".
Britain's racist immigration laws are no joke!
27-03-2008 12:40
DEMONSTRATE TUESDAY 1 APRIL 1 – 2PMDemonstrate outside the UK Immigration Service
Communications House
210 Old Street, London, EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
Immigration Dawn Raid Protesters on Trial
27-03-2008 08:45
Immigration Dawn Raid Protesters on TrialThree protesters against immigration controls will be in Market Street Magistrates Court at 10am tomorrow, after being arrested whilst showing their solidarity to refugee families whose houses were raided by Immigration Services on the 10th of October last year.
Con Dax nel cuore - commemorative events for Davide Cesare in Milan
26-03-2008 19:14

This article contains a short overview of the events along with some background information and a personal report of our experiences.
Another BNP Venue Targetted in Leeds
26-03-2008 10:41
Wednesday 26th March 12.30amFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Russian nazis kill punk march 16
25-03-2008 20:17

Alexei Krylov died as a result of stab wounds
Iraqi refugees are forced to wander for years in Europe
25-03-2008 08:54
This Libération article translated from French describes the second hell being inflicted on Iraqis who attempt to get to Britain or find safety in Europe . It describes the way refugees or 'exiles' as they prefer to be called are pushed from one country to another and how European states have created a system which serves to push refugees back to the entry countries of the European Union where asylum is very rarely, if ever granted.